Oracle dul 사용방법

혹시 Oracle dul tool을 사용하고 계시는 분 있으면

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There are two configuration files for DUL. “init.dul” contains all configuration parameters. (size of caches, details of header layout, oracle block size, output file format) In the control file, “control.dul”, the database data file names and the asm disks can be specified.


The Oracle data dictionary is available if the data files which made up the SYSTEM TableSpace are available and useable. The number which Oracle assigned to these files and the name you have given them, which does not have to be the original name which Oracle knew, must be included in the “control.dul” file. You also need to eventually include the file numbers and names of any files from other TableSpaces for which you wish to eventually unload TABLES and their data. The lack of inclusion of these files will not affect the data dictionary unload step but it will affect later TABLE unloading.


Steps to follow:

  1. configure DUL for the target database. This means creating a correct init.dul and control.dul. The SYSTEM TableSpace’s data file numbers and names must be included within the control.dul file along with any data files for TableSpaces from which you wish to unload TABLEs and their data. For Oracle8 and higher the tablespace number and the relative file number must be specified for each datafile.
  2. Use the ” BOOTSTRAP; ” command to prepare for unloading. The bootstrap process will find a compatibility segment, find the bootstrap$ table unload The old ” dul dictv7.ddl”re no longer needed.


  1. Unload the tables for which data files have been included within the “control.dul” file. Use one of the following commands:
    • “UNLOAD TABLE [ owner>.]table ; (do not forget the semicolon)
      • This will unload the one table definition and the table’s data.
    • “UNLOAD USER user name ;
      • This unloads all tables and data for the specified user.
      • This unloads all of the database tables available. (except the user SYS).




unload user SCOTT;




If data files are not available for the SYSTEM TableSpace the unload can still continue but USER, TABLE and COLUM names will not be known. Identifying the tables can be an overwhelming task. But it can be (and has been) done. You need in depth knowledge about your application and the application tables. Column types can be guessed by DUL, but table and column names are lost. Any old SYSTEM tablespace from the same database but weeks old can be of great help!. Most of the information that DUL uses does not change. (only the dataobj# is during truncate or index rebuild)


Steps to follow:

  1. configure DUL for the target database. This means creating a correct init.dul and control.dul. (See Port specific parameters ). In this case control.dul file will need the numbers and names of datafiles from which TABLEs and data will be unloaded but it does not require the SYSTEM TableSpace’s information.
  2. SCAN DATABASE; : scan the database, build extent and segment map
  3. SCAN TABLES; or SCAN EXTENTS; : gather row statistics
  4. Identify the lost tables from the output of step 3.
  5. UNLOAD the identified tables.

To ease the hunt for the lost tables: the scanned statistical information in seen_tab.dat and seen_col.dat can be loaded into a fresh database. If you recreate the tables ( Hopefully the create table scripts are still available) then structure information of a “lost” table can be matched to the “seen” tables scanned information with two SQL*Plus scripts. (fill.sql and getlost.sql).

  • Names are not really relevant for DUL, only for the person who must load the data. But the unloaded data does not have any value, if you do not know from which table it came.
  • The guessed column types can be wrong. Even though the algorithm is conservative and decides UNKNOWN if not sure.
  • Trailing NULL columns are not stored in the database. So if the last columns only contain NULL’s than the scanner will NOT find them. (During unload trailing NULL columns are handled correctly).
  • When a table is dropped, the description is removed from the data dictionary only. The data blocks are not overwritten unless they are reused for a new segment. So the scanner software can see a table that has been dropped.
  • Tables without rows will go unnoticed.
  • Newer objects have a higher object id than older objects. If an table is recreated, or if there is a test and a production version of the same table the object id can be used to decide.





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