再议RAC Brain Split脑裂

这2天在面试DBA Candidate的时候,我问到Oracle RAC中Brain Split脑裂决议的一些概念, 几乎所有的Candidate都告诉我当”只有2个节点的时候,投票算法就失效了,会让2个节点去抢占Quorum Disk,最先获得的节点将活下来” 。 我们姑且把这套理论叫做” 抢占论”。



“在集群中,节点间通过某种机制(心跳)了解彼此的健康状态,以确保各节点协调工作。 假设只有”心跳”出现问题, 各个节点还在正常运行, 这时,每个节点都认为其他的节点宕机了, 自己是整个集群环境中的”唯一建在者”,自己应该获得整个集群的”控制权”。 在集群环境中,存储设备都是共享的, 这就意味着数据灾难, 这种情况就是”脑裂”
解决这个问题的通常办法是使用投票算法(Quorum Algorithm). 它的算法机理如下:


集群中各个节点需要心跳机制来通报彼此的”健康状态”,假设每收到一个节点的”通报”代表一票。对于三个节点的集群,正常运行时,每个节点都会有3票。 当结点A心跳出现故障但节点A还在运行,这时整个集群就会分裂成2个小的partition。 节点A是一个,剩下的2个是一个。 这是必须剔除一个partition才能保障集群的健康运行。 对于有3个节点的集群, A 心跳出现问题后, B 和 C 是一个partion,有2票, A只有1票。 按照投票算法, B 和C 组成的集群获得控制权, A 被剔除。




如果只有2个节点,投票算法就失效了。 因为每个节点上都只有1票。 这时就需要引入第三个设备:Quorum Device. Quorum Device 通常采用饿是共享磁盘,这个磁盘也叫作Quorum disk。 这个Quorum Disk 也代表一票。 当2个结点的心跳出现问题时, 2个节点同时去争取Quorum Disk 这一票, 最早到达的请求被最先满足。 故最先获得Quorum Disk的节点就获得2票。另一个节点就会被剔除。



以上这段文字描述中观点1 与我在<Oracle RAC Brain Split Resolution> 一文中提出的看法其实是类似的。  这里再列出我的描述:

在脑裂检查阶段Reconfig Manager会找出那些没有Network Heartbeat而有Disk Heartbeat的节点,并通过Network Heartbeat(如果可能的话)和Disk Heartbeat的信息来计算所有竞争子集群(subcluster)内的节点数目,并依据以下2种因素决定哪个子集群应当存活下去:

  1. 拥有最多节点数目的子集群(Sub-cluster with largest number of Nodes)
  2. 若子集群内数目相等则为拥有最低节点号的子集群(Sub-cluster with lowest node number),举例来说在一个2节点的RAC环境中总是1号节点会获胜。

补充:关于 我引入的子集群的概念的介绍:

“在解决脑裂的场景中,NM还会监控voting disk以了解其他的竞争子集群(subclusters)。关于子集群我们有必要介绍一下,试想我们的环境中存在大量的节点,以Oracle官方构建过的128个节点的环境为我们的想象空间,当网络故障发生时存在多种的可能性,一种可能性是全局的网络失败,即128个节点中每个节点都不能互相发生网络心跳,此时会产生多达128个的信息”孤岛”子集群。另一种可能性是局部的网络失败,128个节点中被分成多个部分,每个部分中包含多于一个的节点,这些部分就可以被称作子集群(subclusters)。当出现网络故障时子集群内部的多个节点仍能互相通信传输投票信息(vote mesg),但子集群或者孤岛节点之间已经无法通过常规的Interconnect网络交流了,这个时候NM Reconfiguration就需要用到voting disk投票磁盘。”


争议主要体现在 , “抢占论” 认为当 只有2个节点时 是通过抢占votedisk 的结果来决定具体哪个节点存活下来同时” 抢占论”没有介绍 当存在多个相同节点数目的子集群情况下的结论(譬如4节点的RAC , 1、2节点组成一个子集群,3、4节点组成一个子集群), 若按照2节点时的做法那么依然是通过子集群间抢占votedisk来决定。




我们来看10.2 RAC中的一个场景,假设集群中共有3个节点,其中1号实例没有被启动,集群中只有2个活动节点(active node),发生2号节点的网络失败的故障,因2号节点的member number较小故其通过voting disk向3号节点发起驱逐,具体日志如下:

观察红色部分的日志 ,明确显示了NM(Node Monitor)节点监控服务检查votedisk信息,并计算出了smaller cluster size


[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:42:32.022 [3032460176] >
TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo: node 3, vrh3, state 5 with leader 3
has smaller cluster size 1; my cluster size 1 with leader 2

检查voting disk后发现子集群3为最小"子集群"(3号节点的node number较2号大);2号节点为最大子集群

[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:42:32.022 [3032460176] >TRACE:   clssnmEvict: Start
[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:42:32.022 [3032460176] >TRACE:   clssnmEvict:
Evicting node 3, vrh3, birth 3, death 13, impendingrcfg 1, stateflags 0x40d
[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:42:32.022 [3032460176] >TRACE:
clssnmSendShutdown: req to node 3, kill time 1643084

发起对3号节点的驱逐和shutdown request

[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:43:15.913 [3032460176] >ERROR:   clssnmCheckDskInfo:
Aborting local node to avoid splitbrain.
[    CSSD]2011-04-23 17:43:15.913 [3032460176] >ERROR:                     :
my node(3), Leader(3), Size(1) VS Node(2), Leader(2), Size(1)

读取voting disk后发现kill block,为避免split brain,自我aborting!



此外Metalink 上一些官方Note 也明确说明了我以上的观点 , 摘录部分内容如下:


When interconnect breaks – keeps the largest cluster possible up, other nodes will be evicted, in 2 node cluster lowest number node remains.

Node eviction: pick a cluster node as victim to reboot.Always keep the largest cluster possible up, evicted other nodes two nodes: keep the lowest number node up and evict other


实际上有部分Vendor Unix Clusterware集群软件的脑裂可能如确实是以谁先获得 “Quorum disk”为决定因素, 但是自10g 推出的Oracle 自己的Real Application Cluster(RAC) 的clusterware 或者说 CRS( cluster ready services) 在Brain Split Resolution时并非如此,在这方面类推并不能帮助我们找出正确的结论。



Upgrade GI/CRS to Rootupgrade.sh Hanging

Upgrade grid to Rootupgrade.sh Hanging

We installed 11gR2 GI software and applied PSU2 patches upon getting runupgrade.sh prompt.runupgrade.sh hang on the first node.

[root@vrh8 client]# uname -a
Linux vrh8 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Feb 21 05:52:39 EST 2011 x86_64

x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cluvfy passed with 2 ignorable errors:

[root@vrh8 vrh8]# cd /tmp
[root@vrh8 tmp]# df -lh .
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg0-tmp 992M 263M 679M 28% /tmp

[root@vrh8 grid]# grep fail cluvfy_during_inst.log
/tmp l118464lwap1049 /tmp 713MB 1GB failed
Result: Free disk space check failed for “l118464lwap1049:/tmp”
/tmp vrh8 /tmp 692.131MB 1GB failed
Result: Free disk space check failed for “vrh8:/tmp”
Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 0 failed

[root@vrh8 vrh8]# cd /tmp
[root@vrh8 tmp]# df -lh .
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg0-tmp 992M 263M 679M 28% /tmp

We installed 11gR2 GI software and applied PSU2 patches upon getting runupgrade.sh prompt.

runupgrade.sh hang on the first node. We followed “How to Proceed from Failed Upgrade to 11gR2

Grid Infrastructure on Linux/Unix [ID 969254.1]” 1A section, it didn’t help.

[root@vrh8 bin]# ./crsctl query crs activeversion
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

rootupgrade.sh output:

[root@vrh8]# ./rootupgrade.sh
Running Oracle 11g root script…

The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /d22/oracrs/

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of “dbhome” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “oraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of “coraenv” have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Using configuration parameter file: /d22/oracrs/
Creating OCR keys for user ‘root’, privgrp ‘root’..
Operation successful.
OLR initialization – successful
Adding daemon to inittab
ACFS-9200: Supported
ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
ACFS-9312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies – this may take some time.
ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.

****hanging here for more than 2 hrs, so we cancelled it

INT at /d22/oracrs/ line 1173.
/d22/oracrs/ -I/d22/oracrs/ –

I/d22/oracrs/ /d22/oracrs/ execution failed
Oracle root script execution aborted!

1. The below logs are required to analyze this issue.


Please upload the logs under the above directories. Zip and upload the files including the subdirectories.

2. When the rootupgrade was handing, did you check the usage of /tmp. Was free space exhausting?

=== ODM Research ===

There has been multiple root script run for upgrade. I have taken the first incident from the file

2011-02-13 13:07:55: Successfully started requested Oracle stack daemons
2011-02-13 13:07:55: Upgrading the existing voting disks!
2011-02-13 13:07:55: Executing /d22/oracrs/
2011-02-13 13:07:55: Executing cmd: /d22/oracrs/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The root script seems to hang at this point.
2011-02-13 15:01:16: ###### Begin DIE Stack Trace ######
2011-02-13 15:01:16: Package File Line Calling
2011-02-13 15:01:16: ————— ——————– —- ———-
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 1: main rootcrs.pl 325 crsconfig_lib::dietrap
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 2: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 9301 main::__ANON__
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 3: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 9301 (eval)
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 4: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 9260 crsconfig_lib::system_cmd_capture1
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 5: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 9247 crsconfig_lib::system_cmd_capture
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 6: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 924 crsconfig_lib::system_cmd
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 7: oracss oracss.pm 275 crsconfig_lib::run_crs_cmd
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 8: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 1019 oracss::CSS_upgrade
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 9: crsconfig_lib crsconfig_lib.pm 1006 crsconfig_lib::start_cluster
2011-02-13 15:01:16: 10: main rootcrs.pl 697 crsconfig_lib::perform_start_cluster
2011-02-13 15:01:16: ####### End DIE Stack Trace #######

Oracle Database 11g Clusterware Release – Production Copyright 1996, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2011-02-13 13:07:55.356: [ OCRRAW][3605955376]prgval:buffer passed is too small
2011-02-13 13:07:55.361: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_GetVFList: found voting file /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat
2011-02-13 13:07:55.365: [ OCRRAW][3605955376]prgval:buffer passed is too small
2011-02-13 13:07:55.369: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_GetVFList: found voting file /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk2.dat
2011-02-13 13:07:55.373: [ OCRRAW][3605955376]prgval:buffer passed is too small
2011-02-13 13:07:55.377: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_GetVFList: found voting file /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk3.dat
2011-02-13 13:07:55.402: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYSTEM.css.misscount
2011-02-13 13:07:55.404: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYSTEM.css.disktimeout
2011-02-13 13:07:55.406: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYSTEM.css.reboottime
2011-02-13 13:07:55.408: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYSTEM.css.diagwait
2011-02-13 13:07:55.414: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYSTEM.css.pollinterval
2011-02-13 13:07:55.416: [CSSVFUPG][3605955376]cssvfupgd_GetGUID: Fetching GUID for /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat
2011-02-13 13:07:55.419: [ SKGFD][3605955376]NOTE: No asm libraries found in the system

2011-02-13 13:07:55.419: [ CLSF][3605955376]Allocated CLSF context
2011-02-13 13:07:55.419: [ SKGFD][3605955376]Discovery with str:/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

2011-02-13 13:07:55.419: [ SKGFD][3605955376]UFS discovery with :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

2011-02-13 13:07:55.420: [ SKGFD][3605955376]Fetching UFS disk :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

2011-02-13 13:07:55.420: [ SKGFD][3605955376]OSS discovery with :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

2011-02-13 13:07:55.421: [ SKGFD][3605955376]Handle 0x124de360 from lib :UFS:: for disk :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

2011-02-13 14:19:31.132: [ SKGFD][3605955376]WARNING:io_getevents timed out 2226 sec >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After about one hour it shows time out error.

2011-02-13 14:19:31.132: [ SKGFD][3605955376]WARNING:io_getevents timed out 2226 sec

The script has stalled at the voting disk upgrade phase. Please provide me the below details.

1. What cluster file system are you using for the voting files? provide its details and the mount options used.

for ocfs, get its mount options
mount | grep ocfs

3. Voting disks details
ls -l /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk*

4. Get the diagwait detail.
OLD_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl get css diagwait

1. What cluster file system are you using for the voting files? provide its details and the mount options used
/dev/emcpowera1 on /s01/app/ocrvot type ocfs2 (rw,_netdev,datavolume,nointr,heartbeat=local)

2. Voting disks details

[root@vrh8]# ls -l /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk*
-rw-r—– 1 oracrs oinstall 21004288 Jun 11 07:31 /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat
-rw-r—– 1 oracrs oinstall 21004288 Jun 11 07:31 /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk2.dat
-rw-r—– 1 oracrs oinstall 21004288 Jun 11 07:31 /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk3.dat


3. Get the diagwait detail

crsctl get css diagwait
Failure 33 in main Oracle Cluster Registry context initialization: PROC-33: Oracle Cluster Registry is not configured Operating System error [No such file or directory] [2]

owc may not be required now as the issue we face is clear.

The diagwait should not error out, as explained in the following note,
11gR2 rootupgrade.sh Fails as cssvfupgd Can not Upgrade Voting Disk (Doc ID 1102283.1)

Make sure you are running ‘crsctl get css diagwait’ from the old crs home. You can also check it in multiple node. If it errors out, this has to be fixed as explained in the above note.

according to that note ,When I ./oprocd stop ,get error:
[root@l118464lwap1049 bin]# ./oprocd stop
Jun 16 23:24:42.966 | ERR | failed to connect to daemon, errno(111)

ACFS-9200: Supported
ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies – this may take some time.
ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.

2011-02-13 23:36:49.311: [ OCRRAW][3394941744]prgval:buffer passed is too small
2011-02-13 23:36:49.315: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_GetVFList: found voting
file /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk2.dat
2011-02-13 23:36:49.319: [ OCRRAW][3394941744]prgval:buffer passed is too small
2011-02-13 23:36:49.323: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_GetVFList: found voting
file /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk3.dat
2011-02-13 23:36:49.351: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYST
2011-02-13 23:36:49.354: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYST
2011-02-13 23:36:49.356: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYST
2011-02-13 23:36:49.358: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYST
2011-02-13 23:36:49.367: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_SetNum: Processing SYST
2011-02-13 23:36:49.369: [CSSVFUPG][3394941744]cssvfupgd_GetGUID: Fetching GUID
for /s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat
2011-02-13 23:36:49.371: [ SKGFD][3394941744]NOTE: No asm libraries found in t
he system

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ CLSF][3394941744]Allocated CLSF context
2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]Discovery with str:/s01/app/ocrvo

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]UFS discovery with :/s01/app/ocrv

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]Fetching UFS disk :/s01/app/ocrvo

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]OSS discovery with :/s01/app/ocrv

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]Handle 0x98c4360 from lib :UFS::
for disk :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:

in Your update about cssvfupgd.log You stated it was hanging there.
Is there an entry after about 70 minutes about a timeout in that log file like:

2011-02-13 23:36:49.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]Handle 0x98c4360 from lib :UFS::
for disk :/s01/app/ocrvot/VOTEDISK/UAT2_vdisk1.dat:
2011-02-17 0:48:19.372: [ SKGFD][3394941744]WARNING:io_getevents timed out 4294 sec <<<< present ???

Please provide the following outputs:
rpm -qa|grep ocfs2
uname -a
cat /etc/redhat-release

[root@vrh8 ~]# rpm -qa|grep ocfs2
[root@vrh8 ~]# uname -a
Linux vrh8 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Feb 21 05:52:39 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@vrh8 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga)
[root@vrh8 ~]#

Combinations that install SUCCESSFUL:

RHLE5.6+OEL kernel(redhat compatible kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.8-1+ocfs2-tools-1.6.3
RHLE5.6+OEL kernel(redhat compatible kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4

Combinations that failed:
RHLE5.6(redhat kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4
RHLE5.6(redhat kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.8-1+ocfs2-tools-1.6.3

Problem reproduces with redhat kernel — RHEL 5.6 with 2.6.18-2xx kernels

Please review the following Note to change the location of your voting disk
Note 428681.1
Title: How to ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and Voting Disk

Pasting info from —
Oracle? Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

3 Managing Oracle Cluster Registry and Voting Disks
Oracle Universal Installer for Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2), does not support the use of raw or block devices. However, if you upgrade from a previous Oracle Clusterware release, then you can continue to use raw or block devices.

[oracrs@vrh8 grid]$ grep fail cluvfy_during_inst_061711.log
/tmp l118464lwap1049 /tmp 706MB 1GB failed
Result: Free disk space check failed for “l118464lwap1049:/tmp”
/tmp vrh8 /tmp 927.1312MB 1GB failed
Result: Free disk space check failed for “vrh8:/tmp”
Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 0 failed
PRVF-5431 : Oracle Cluster Voting Disk configuration check failed

[oracrs@vrh8 grid]$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n vrh8,l118464lwap1049 -verbose|tee cluvfy_during_inst.log

Please upload the following Cluvfy trace log —

Please download the latest CVU from OTN:

Please upload

In addition pls upload

Please run this command on both the new setup and your existing production setup for a quick comparison —
rpm -qa|grep ocfs2

Server with issue:
[root@vrh8 ohasd]# rpm -qa|grep ocfs2


[root@vrh9  bin]# rpm -qa|grep ocfs2

[root@vrh8 ~]# uname -a
Linux vrh8 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Feb 21 05:52:39 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@vrh8 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga)

rpm -qa|grep ocfs2

@ . from Bug 11876815 (Doc ID 1321757.1)
@ combinations that install SUCCESSFUL:
@ .
@ OEL5.4+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4
@ OEL5.6+ocfs2-1.4.8-1+ocfs2-tools-1.6.3
@ OEL5.6+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4
@ RHLE5.6+OEL kernel(redhat compatible kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.8-1+ocfs2-tools-1.6.3
@ RHLE5.6+OEL kernel(redhat compatible kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4
@ RHEL5.4
@ .
@ combinations that failed:
@ RHLE5.6(redhat kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.7-1+ocfs2-tools-1.4.4
@ RHLE5.6(redhat kernel)+ocfs2-1.4.8-1+ocfs2-tools-1.6.3
@ .
@ .
@ So that is clear that , it is redhat kernel’s problem.Since RHEL5.6 redhat
@ provided 2.6.18-2xx kernels, we can’t fix redhat kernels, please use Oracle
@ Enterprise kernel (redhat compatible) for installation.

As per last action plan (conveyed if any) you need to contact REDHAT support to know the cause of this issue. Workaround is to not use OCFS and go for raw device for upgrade to succeed.
A Oracle bug 11876815 was logged internally for this hang issue and few combinations of OEL, RHEL, OCFS2 were tried and tested and the combination you are using has not worked for us too (per bug internal updates given above)
The solution provided by Oracle bug developer is to use OEL and not RHEL or contact RHEL support for identifying the cause and solution (incase they have already tested this setup).
Let me know if RHEL support is already engaged and provide the case id so that I can open internal SR for Oracle/Red Hat Joint Escalation Team (JET) Engagement for both vendors to work together internally.

+ the SR issue of grid upgrade from 11.1 to is resolved
– voting disk was moved from ocfs to raw device – as a workaround for Bug 11876815
– set TMP and TEMP env to new dir with availabe space before running the installer and prechecks to succeed
– applied GIPSU#2 before the rootupgrade.sh step
– rootupgrade.sh step was successful on all nodes
– verified post upgrade checks and logs to confirm GI upgrade was success !

+ DB upgrade to Plus PSU#2 will be resumed shorlty

Slide:Upgrade GI/CRS to in Linux

Upgrade GI/CRS to in Linux已经release 1年多了,相对于11.2.0.1要稳定很多。现在我们为客户部署新系统的时候一般都会推荐直接装11.2.0.2(out of place),并打到<Oracle Recommended Patches — Oracle Database>所推荐的PSU。




1.  若使用Exadata Database Machine硬件,首先要检查是否需要升级Exadata Storage Software和Infiniband Switch的版本,<Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server 11g Release 2 (11.2) Supported Versions>

2. 完成rolling upgrade Grid Infrastructure的准备工作

3.滚动升级Gird Infrastructure GI软件



这里我们重点介绍的是滚动升级GI/CRS集群软件的准备工作和具体升级步骤,因为11.2.0.2是11gR2的第一个Patchset,且又是首个out of place的大补丁集,所以绝大多数人对新的升级模式并不熟悉。




1.注意从11.2.0.1 GI/CRS滚动升级(rolling upgrade)到时可能出现意外错误,具体见<Pre-requsite for to ASM Rolling Upgrade>,这里一并引用:

Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 11.2 to 11.2
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to   [Release: 11.2 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This note is to clarify the patch requirement when doing to rolling upgrade.
Scope and Application
Intended audience includes DBA, support engineers.
Pre-requsite for to ASM Rolling Upgrade

There has been some confusion as what patches need to be applied for ASM rolling
upgrade to to be successful. Documentation regarding this is not very clear
(at the time of writing) and a documentation bug has been filed and documentation will be updated in the future.

There are two bugs related to ASM rolling upgrade to

Unpublished bug 9413827: 11201 TO 11202 ASM ROLLING UPGRADE - OLD CRS STACK FAILS TO STOP

Unpublished bug 9706490: LNX64-11202-UD 11201 -> 11202, DG OFFLINE AFTER RESTART CRS STACK DURING UPGRADE

Some of the symptoms include error message when running rootupgrade.sh:

ORA-15154: cluster rolling upgrade incomplete (from bug: 9413827)


Diskgroup status is shown offline after the upgrade, crsd.log may have:

2010-05-12 03:45:49.029: [ AGFW][1506556224] Agfw Proxy Server sending the
last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.MYDG1.dg rwsdcvm44 1] ID 4098:1526
TextMessage[CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.MYDG1.dg' on 'rwsdcvm44' failed]
TextMessage[ora.MYDG1.dg rwsdcvm44 1]
ora.MYDG1.dg rwsdcvm44 1:

To overcome this issue, there are two actions you need to take:

a). apply proper patch.
b). change crsconfig_lib.pm

Applying Patch:

1). If $GI_HOME is on version (i.e GI PSU2 is applied):

Action: You can apply Patch:9706490 for version

Unpublished bug 9413827 is fixed in GI PSU2. Patch:9706490 for version is built on top of GI PSU2 (i.e. includes the GI PSU2,
hence includes the fix for 9413827). Applying Patch:9706490 includes both fixes.
opatch will recognize 9706490 is superset of GI PSU2 (Patch: 9655006)
and rollback patch 9655006 before applying Patch: 9706490).

2). If $GI_HOME is on version (i.e. no GI PSU applied).

Action: You can apply Patch:9706490 for version This would make sure you have
applied GI PSU2 plus both 9706490 and 9413827 (which is included in GI PSU2).

For platforms that do not have GI PSU, then you can apply patch 9413827 on

3). If $GI_HOME is on version (GI PSU1) (this is rare since GI PSU1 was only
released for Linux platforms and was quite old).

Action: You can rollback GI PSU1 then apply Patch:9706490 on version
if your platform has GI PSU. If your platform does not have PSU,
then apply patch 9413827.

Modify crsconfig_lib.pm

After patch is applied, modify $

Before the change:
# grep for bugs 9655006 or 9413827
@cmdout = grep(/(9655006|9413827)/, @output);

After the change:
# grep for bugs 9655006 or 9413827 or 9706490
@cmdout = grep(/(9655006|9413827|9706490)/, @output);

This would prevent rootupgrade.sh from failing when it validates the pre-requsite patches.

这里我们假设环境中的11.2.0.1 GI没有apply任何PSU补丁,为了解决这一”11201 TO 11202 ASM ROLLING UPGRADE – OLD CRS STACK FAILS TO STOP” bug,并成功滚动升级GI,需要在正式升级11.2.0.2 Patchset之前apply 9413827 bug的对应patch。


所以我们为了升级GI到11.2.0.2,需要先从MOS下载  3个对应平台(platform)的补丁包,它们是

1. PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER (Patchset)(patchid:10098816),注意实际上11.2.0.2的这个Patchset由多达7个zip文件组成,如在Linux x86-64平台上:


其中升级我们只需要下载1-3的zip包即可,第一、二包是RDBMS Database软件的out of place Patchset,而第三个包为Grid Infrastructure/CRS软件的out of place Patchset,实际在本篇文章(只升级GI)中仅会用到p10098816_112020_Linux-x86-64_3of7.zip这个压缩包。

2.  Patch 9413827: 11201 TO 11202 ASM ROLLING UPGRADE – OLD CRS STACK FAILS TO STOP(patchid:9413827)

3.  Patch 6880880: OPatch 11.2 (patchid:6880880),最新的opatch工具

2. 在所有节点上安装最新的opatch工具,该步骤不需要停止任何服务:


su - grid

[grid@vrh1 ~]$ mv $CRS_HOME/OPatch $CRS_HOME/OPatch_old
[grid@vrh1 ~]$ unzip /tmp/p6880880_112000_Linux-x86-64.zip -d $CRS_HOME


[grid@vrh1 ~]$ $CRS_HOME/OPatch/opatch
Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

3.  在所有节点上滚动安装BUNDLE Patch for Base Bug 9413827补丁包:


su - grid 

opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $CRS_HOME

Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /g01/11.2.0/grid
Central Inventory : /g01/oraInventory
   from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /g01/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2011-09-04_19-08-33PM.log

Lsinventory Output file location :

Installed Top-level Products (1): 

Oracle Grid Infrastructure                                 
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

2. 解压之前下载的 p9413827_11201_$platform.zip的补丁包

 unzip p9413827_112010_Linux-x86-64.zip 


3. 切换到DB HOME拥有者身份,在本地节点上停止RDBMS DB HOME相关的资源:

su - oracle

 % [RDBMS_HOME]/bin/srvctl stop home -o [RDBMS_HOME] -s [status file location] -n [node_name]

srvctl stop home -o $ORACLE_HOME  -n vrh1 -s stop_db_res           

cat stop_db_res



4. 切换到root用户执行rootcrs.pl -unlock 命令

[root@vrh1 ~]# $CRS_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -unlock 

2011-09-04 20:46:53: Parsing the host name
2011-09-04 20:46:53: Checking for super user privileges
2011-09-04 20:46:53: User has super user privileges
Using configuration parameter file: /g01/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.SYSTEMDG.dg' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.FRA.dg' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh2'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh2' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.SYSTEMDG.dg' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.FRA.dg' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ons' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.eons' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ons' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.net1.network' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.net1.network' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.eons' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2792: Shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'vrh1' has completed
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crsd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.diskmon' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.diskmon' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'vrh1' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
Successfully unlock /g01/11.2.0/grid


5.以RDBMS HOME拥有者用户执行patch目录下的prepatch.sh脚本

su - oracle

% custom/server/9413827/custom/scripts/prepatch.sh -dbhome [RDBMS_HOME]

[oracle@vrh1 tmp]$ 9413827/custom/server/9413827/custom/scripts/prepatch.sh -dbhome $ORACLE_HOME

9413827/custom/server/9413827/custom/scripts/prepatch.sh completed successfully.


6.实际apply patch


 % opatch napply -local -oh [CRS_HOME] -id 9413827

su - grid

cd /tmp/9413827/

opatch napply -local -oh $CRS_HOME -id 9413827

Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

UTIL session

Oracle Home       : /g01/11.2.0/grid
Central Inventory : /g01/oraInventory
   from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /g01/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2011-09-04_20-52-37PM.log

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
OPatch continues with these patches:   9413827  

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My
Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
Email address/User Name: 

You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]:  y

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/g01/11.2.0/grid')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files...
Applying interim patch '9413827' to OH '/g01/11.2.0/grid'

Patching component oracle.crs,
Patches 9413827 successfully applied.
Log file location: /g01/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2011-09-04_20-52-37PM.log

OPatch succeeded.


su - oracle
cd /tmp/9413827/

% opatch napply custom/server/ -local -oh [RDBMS_HOME] -id 9413827

opatch napply custom/server/ -local -oh $ORACLE_HOME -id 9413827

Verifying the update...
Inventory check OK: Patch ID 9413827 is registered in Oracle Home inventory with proper meta-data.
Files check OK: Files from Patch ID 9413827 are present in Oracle Home.
Running make for target install
Running make for target install

The local system has been patched and can be restarted.

UtilSession: N-Apply done.

OPatch succeeded.


7. 配置HOME目录


 chmod +w $CRS_HOME/log/[nodename]/agent
 chmod +w $CRS_HOME/log/[nodename]/agent/crsd

su - oracle

 cd /tmp/9413827/

% custom/server/9413827/custom/scripts/postpatch.sh -dbhome [RDBMS_HOME]

[oracle@vrh1 9413827]$ custom/server/9413827/custom/scripts/postpatch.sh -dbhome $ORACLE_HOME
Reading /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/install/params.ora..
Reading /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/install/params.ora..
Parsing file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/racgwrap
Parsing file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvctl
Parsing file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvconfig
Parsing file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/cluvfy
Verifying file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/racgwrap
Verifying file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvctl
Verifying file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvconfig
Verifying file /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/cluvfy
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/racgwrap
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvctl
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvconfig
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/cluvfy
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/racgmain
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/racgeut
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/diskmon.bin
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/lsnodes
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/osdbagrp
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/rawutl
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/srvm/admin/ractrans
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/srvm/admin/getcrshome
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/gnsd
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/crsdiag.pl
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libhasgen11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libclsra11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libdbcfg11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libocr11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libocrb11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libocrutl11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libuini11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/librdjni11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libgns11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libgnsjni11.so
Reapplying file permissions on /s01/orabase/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/libagfw11.so



# $CRS_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -patch 

2011-09-04 21:03:32: Parsing the host name
2011-09-04 21:03:32: Checking for super user privileges
2011-09-04 21:03:32: User has super user privileges
Using configuration parameter file: /g01/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.

# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start home -o $ORACLE_HOME -s $STATUS_FILE -n nodename


9. 使用opatch命令确认补丁安装成功

 opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $CRS_HOME
 opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $RDBMS_HOME


10. 在其他节点上重复以上步骤,直到在所有节点上成功安装该补丁



# Special Instruction for AIX
# ---------------------------
# During the application of this patch should you see any errors with regards
# to files being locked or opatch  being  unable to copy files then this
# could be as result of a process which requires termination or an additional
# file needing to be unloaded from the system cache.
# To try and identify the likely cause please execute the following  commands
# and provide the output to your support representative, who will be  able to
# identify the corrective steps.
#     genld -l | grep [CRS_HOME]
#     genkld | grep [CRS_HOME]    ( full or partial path will do )
# Simple Case Resolution:
# If genld returns data then a currently executing process has something open
# in
# the [CRS_HOME] directory, please terminate the process as
# required/recommended.
#  If genkld return data then please remove the enteries from the
#  OS system cache by using the slibclean command as root;
#     slibclean
#  Patch Deinstallation Instructions:
#  ----------------------------------
#  To roll back the patch, follow all of the above steps 1-5. In step 6,
#  invoke the following opatch commands to roll back the patch in all homes.
#  % opatch rollback -id 9413827 -local -oh [CRS_HOME]
#  % opatch rollback -id 9413827 -local -oh [RDBMS_HOME]
#  Afterwards, continue with steps 7-9 to complete the procedure.
#  If you have any problems installing this PSE or are not sure
#  about inventory setup please call Oracle support.




1. 解压软件包,如上所述第三个zip包为grid软件

unzip p10098816_112020_Linux-x86-64_3of7.zip


2. 以GI拥有者用户启动GI/CRS的OUI安装界面,并选择Out of Place的安装目录

(grid)$ export DISPLAY=:0
(grid)$ cd /u01/app/oracle/patchdepot/grid
(grid)$ ./runInstaller
Starting Oracle Universal Installer…

在”Select Installation Options”屏幕中选择Upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure or Oracle Automatic Storage Management










3. 注意在正式执行rootupgrade.sh之前数据库服务在所有节点上都是可用的,而在执行rootupgrade.sh脚本期间,本地节点的CRS将短暂关闭,也就是说滚动升级期间至少有一个节点不用

因为unpublished bug 10011084 and unpublished bug 10128494的关系,在执行rootupgrade.sh之前需要修改crsconfig_lib.pm参数文件,修改方式如下:

cp $NEW_CRS_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_lib.pm $NEW_CRS_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_lib.pm.bak
vi $NEW_CRS_HOME/crs/install/crsconfig_lib.pm


 @cmdout = grep(/$bugid/, @output);
  @cmdout = grep(/(9655006|9413827)/, @output);

my @exp_func = qw(check_CRSConfig validate_olrconfig validateOCR
my @exp_func = qw(check_CRSConfig validate_olrconfig validateOCR read_file

$ diff crsconfig_lib.pm.orig crsconfig_lib.pm
< my @exp_func = qw(check_CRSConfig validate_olrconfig validateOCR --- >
my @exp_func = qw(check_CRSConfig validate_olrconfig validateOCR read_file
< @cmdout = grep(/$bugid/, @output); --- > @cmdout = grep(/(9655006|9413827)/, @output);

cp /g01/ /g01/

scp /g01/ vrh2:/g01/


由于 bug 10056593 和 bug 10241443 的缘故执行rootupgrde.sh的过程中还可能出现以下错误

Due to bug 10056593, rootupgrade.sh will report this error and continue. This error is ignorable.

Failed to add (property/value):('OLD_OCR_ID/'-1') for checkpoint:ROOTCRS_OLDHOMEINFO.Error code is 256

Due to bug 10241443, rootupgrade.sh may report the following error when installing the cvuqdisk package.
This error is ignorable.

    ls: /usr/sbin/smartctl: No such file or directory
    /usr/sbin/smartctl not found.



[root@vrh1 grid]# /g01/
Running Oracle 11g root script...

The following environment variables are set as:

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Using configuration parameter file: /g01/
Creating trace directory
Failed to add (property/value):('OLD_OCR_ID/'-1') for checkpoint:ROOTCRS_OLDHOMEINFO.Error code is 256

ASM upgrade has started on first node.

CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.SYSTEMDG.dg' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh2'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.vrh1.vip' on 'vrh2' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.SYSTEMDG.dg' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ons' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.eons' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ons' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.net1.network' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.net1.network' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.eons' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2792: Shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'vrh1' has completed
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crsd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.diskmon' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.diskmon' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'vrh1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'vrh1' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'vrh1' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
Successfully deleted 1 keys from OCR.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
OLR initialization - successful
Adding daemon to inittab
ACFS-9200: Supported
ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
ACFS-9312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.
ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.
clscfg: version 5 is 11g Release 2.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Preparing packages for installation...
Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded




Successfully deleted 1 keys from OCR.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
OLR initialization - successful
Adding daemon to inittab
ACFS-9200: Supported
ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
ACFS-9312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.
ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.
clscfg: version 5 is 11g Release 2.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Started to upgrade the Oracle Clusterware. This operation may take a few minutes.
Started to upgrade the CSS.
Started to upgrade the CRS.
The CRS was successfully upgraded.
Oracle Clusterware operating version was successfully set to

ASM upgrade has finished on last node.

Preparing packages for installation...
Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

5. 确认GI/CRS的版本

su - grid

$ crsctl query crs activeversion
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []


/g01/ lsinventory -oh /g01/
Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /g01/
Central Inventory : /g01/oraInventory
   from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /g01/
Log file location : /g01/

Patch history file: /g01/

Lsinventory Output file location : /g01/

Installed Top-level Products (1): 

Oracle Grid Infrastructure                                 
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

6.更新bash_profile , 将CRS_HOME、ORACLE_HOME、PATH等变量指向新的GI目录

利用Cluster Verify Utility工具体验RAC最佳实践

Cluster Verification Utilit(CVU)是Oracle所推荐的一种集群检验工具。该检验工具帮助用户在Cluter部署的各个阶段验证集群的重要组件,这些阶段包括硬件搭建、Clusterware的安装、RDBMS的安装、存储等等。我们既可以在Cluster安装之前使用CVU来帮我们检验所配置的环境正确可用,也可以在软件安装完成后使用CVU来做对集群的验收。

CVU提供了一种可扩展的框架,其所实施的常规检验活动是独立于具体的平台,并且向存储和网络的检验提供了厂商接口(Vendor Interface)。
CVU工具不依赖于其他Oracle软件,仅使用命令cluvfy,如cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n vrh1,vrh2。


  1. 用户在本地节点安装CVU
  2. 用户针对多个节点实施Verify检验命令
  3. CVU工具将拷贝自身必要的文件到远程节点
  4. CVU会在所有节点执行检验任务并生成报告


  1. 验证Cluster集群是否规范配置以便后续的RAC安装、配置和操作顺利
  2. 全类型的验证
  3. 非破坏性的验证
  4. 提供了易于使用的接口
  5. 支持各种平台和配置的RAC,明确完善的统一行为方式


  1. cluvfy不支持任何类型的cluster或RAC操作
  2. 在检验到问题或失败后,cluvfy不会采取任何修正行为
  3. cluvfy不是性能调优或监控工具
  4. cluvfy不会尝试帮助你验证RAC数据库的内部结构




我们会在CRS和RAC数据库的安装过程中具体使用Cluster Verify Utility的不同”stage”,各种不同的stage可以使用cluvfy stage -list命令列出:

cluvfy stage -list

cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options>  [-verbose]

Valid Stages are:
      -pre cfs        : pre-check for CFS setup
      -pre crsinst    : pre-check for CRS installation
      -pre acfscfg    : pre-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -pre dbinst     : pre-check for database installation
      -pre dbcfg      : pre-check for database configuration
      -pre hacfg      : pre-check for HA configuration
      -pre nodeadd    : pre-check for node addition.
      -post hwos      : post-check for hardware and operating system
      -post cfs       : post-check for CFS setup
      -post crsinst   : post-check for CRS installation
      -post acfscfg   : post-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -post hacfg     : post-check for HA configuration
      -post nodeadd   : post-check for node addition.
      -post nodedel   : post-check for node deletion.

在RAC Cluster中独立的子系统或者模块被称作组件(component),集群组件的可用性、完整性、稳定性以及其他一些表现均可以使用CVU来验证。简单如某个存储设备、复杂如包含CRSD、EVMD、CSSD、OCR等多个子组件的CRS stack都可以被认为是一个组件。

在CRS运行过程中为了检验Cluster中的某个特定组件(component)或者为了独立诊断某个Cluster集群子系统,需要用到合适的组件检查命令;各种不同组件的检验可以使用cluvfy comp -list命令列出:

 cluvfy comp -list

cluvfy comp     [-verbose]

Valid Components are:
      nodereach       : checks reachability between nodes
      nodecon         : checks node connectivity
      cfs             : checks CFS integrity
      ssa             : checks shared storage accessibility
      space           : checks space availability
      sys             : checks minimum system requirements
      clu             : checks cluster integrity
      clumgr          : checks cluster manager integrity
      ocr             : checks OCR integrity
      olr             : checks OLR integrity
      ha              : checks HA integrity
      crs             : checks CRS integrity
      nodeapp         : checks node applications existence
      admprv          : checks administrative privileges
      peer            : compares properties with peers
      software        : checks software distribution
      acfs            : checks ACFS integrity
      asm             : checks ASM integrity
      gpnp            : checks GPnP integrity
      gns             : checks GNS integrity
      scan            : checks SCAN configuration
      ohasd           : checks OHASD integrity
      clocksync       : checks Clock Synchronization
      vdisk           : checks Voting Disk configuration and UDEV settings
      dhcp            : Checks DHCP configuration
      dns             : Checks DNS configuration


Clusterware Home

Oracle Home


Verify the hardware and operating system:检验操作系统和硬件的配置

cluvfy stage -post hwos -n vrh1,vrh2

cluvfy stage -post hwos -n vrh1,vrh2

Performing post-checks for hardware and operating system setup 

Checking node reachability...
Node reachability check passed from node "vrh1"

Checking user equivalence...
User equivalence check passed for user "grid"

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:
vrh2 eth0: eth0: eth0:
vrh1 eth0: eth0: eth0:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:
vrh2 eth1:
vrh1 eth1:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for a private interconnect are:
vrh2 eth1:
vrh1 eth1:

Node connectivity check passed

Check for multiple users with UID value 0 passed
Time zone consistency check passed

Checking shared storage accessibility...

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdb                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdc                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdd                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sde                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdf                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdg                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdh                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdi                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdj                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdk                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdl                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdm                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdn                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdo                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdp                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdq                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdr                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sds                              vrh2 vrh1               

  Disk                                  Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  /dev/sdt                              vrh2 vrh1               
Shared storage check was successful on nodes "vrh2,vrh1"
Post-check for hardware and operating system setup was successful.

Cluster Installation Ready check on all nodes:安装Clusterware前执行以下命令

 cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n vrh1,vrh2

cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n vrh1,vrh2
Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup
Checking node reachability...
Node reachability check passed from node "vrh1"
Checking user equivalence...
User equivalence check passed for user "grid"
Checking node connectivity...
Checking hosts config file...
Verification of the hosts config file successful
Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) vrh2,vrh1
TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:
vrh2 eth0: eth0: eth0:
vrh1 eth0: eth0: eth0:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:
vrh2 eth1:
vrh1 eth1:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for a private interconnect are:
vrh2 eth1:
vrh1 eth1:

Node connectivity check passed

Checking ASMLib configuration.
Check for ASMLib configuration passed.
Total memory check passed
Available memory check passed
Swap space check passed
Free disk space check passed for "vrh2:/tmp"
Free disk space check passed for "vrh1:/tmp"
Check for multiple users with UID value 54322 passed
User existence check passed for "grid"
Group existence check passed for "oinstall"
Group existence check passed for "dba"
Membership check for user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] failed
Check failed on nodes:
Membership check for user "grid" in group "dba" failed
Check failed on nodes:
Run level check passed
Hard limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"
Soft limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"
Hard limits check passed for "maximum user processes"
Soft limits check passed for "maximum user processes"
System architecture check passed
Kernel version check passed
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmsl"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmns"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semopm"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmni"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmax"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmni"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmall"
Kernel parameter check passed for "file-max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "ip_local_port_range"
Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_default"
Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_default"
Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "aio-max-nr"
Package existence check passed for "make-3.81( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "binutils- x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-common-2.5( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-headers-2.5( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "sysstat-7.0.2( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "ksh-20060214( x86_64)"
Check for multiple users with UID value 0 passed
Current group ID check passed

Starting Clock synchronization checks using Network Time Protocol(NTP)...

NTP Configuration file check started...
No NTP Daemons or Services were found to be running

Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) passed

Core file name pattern consistency check passed.

User "grid" is not part of "root" group. Check passed
Default user file creation mask check passed
Checking consistency of file "/etc/resolv.conf" across nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" does not have both domain and search entries defined
domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
All nodes have one search entry defined in file "/etc/resolv.conf"
The DNS response time for an unreachable node is within acceptable limit on all nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

Time zone consistency check passed

Starting check for Huge Pages Existence ...

Check for Huge Pages Existence passed

Starting check for Hardware Clock synchronization at shutdown ...

Check for Hardware Clock synchronization at shutdown passed

Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.

Database Installation Ready check on all nodes:安装RDBMS前执行以下命令
cluvfy stage -pre dbinst -n vrh1,vrh2

cluvfy stage -pre dbinst -n vrh1,vrh2 

Performing pre-checks for database installation 

Checking node reachability...
Node reachability check passed from node "vrh1"

Checking user equivalence...
User equivalence check passed for user "grid"

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Check: Node connectivity for interface "eth0"
Node connectivity passed for interface "eth0"

Check: Node connectivity for interface "eth1"
Node connectivity passed for interface "eth1"

Node connectivity check passed

Total memory check passed
Available memory check passed
Swap space check passed
Free disk space check passed for "vrh2:/tmp"
Free disk space check passed for "vrh1:/tmp"
Check for multiple users with UID value 54322 passed
User existence check passed for "grid"
Group existence check passed for "asmadmin"
Group existence check passed for "dba"
Membership check for user "grid" in group "asmadmin" [as Primary] passed
Membership check for user "grid" in group "dba" failed
Check failed on nodes:
Run level check passed
Hard limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"
Soft limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"
Hard limits check passed for "maximum user processes"
Soft limits check passed for "maximum user processes"
System architecture check passed
Kernel version check passed
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmsl"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmns"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semopm"
Kernel parameter check passed for "semmni"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmax"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmni"
Kernel parameter check passed for "shmall"
Kernel parameter check passed for "file-max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "ip_local_port_range"
Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_default"
Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_default"
Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_max"
Kernel parameter check passed for "aio-max-nr"
Package existence check passed for "make-3.81( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "binutils- x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-common-2.5( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "glibc-headers-2.5( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64)( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "sysstat-7.0.2( x86_64)"
Package existence check passed for "ksh-20060214( x86_64)"
Check for multiple users with UID value 0 passed
Current group ID check passed
Default user file creation mask check passed

Checking CRS integrity...

CRS integrity check passed

Checking Cluster manager integrity... 

Checking CSS daemon...
Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services appear to be online.

Cluster manager integrity check passed

Checking node application existence...

Checking existence of VIP node application (required)
VIP node application check passed

Checking existence of NETWORK node application (required)
NETWORK node application check passed

Checking existence of GSD node application (optional)
GSD node application is offline on nodes "vrh2,vrh1"

Checking existence of ONS node application (optional)
ONS node application check passed

Checking if Clusterware is installed on all nodes...
Check of Clusterware install passed

Checking if CTSS Resource is running on all nodes...
CTSS resource check passed

Querying CTSS for time offset on all nodes...
Query of CTSS for time offset passed

Check CTSS state started...
CTSS is in Active state. Proceeding with check of clock time offsets on all nodes...
Check of clock time offsets passed

Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Services check passed
Checking consistency of file "/etc/resolv.conf" across nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" does not have both domain and search entries defined
domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
All nodes have one search entry defined in file "/etc/resolv.conf"
The DNS response time for an unreachable node is within acceptable limit on all nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

Time zone consistency check passed
Checking VIP configuration.
Checking VIP Subnet configuration.
Check for VIP Subnet configuration passed.
Checking VIP reachability
Check for VIP reachability passed.

Pre-check for database installation was unsuccessful on all the nodes.

cluvfy comp ocr

cluvfy comp ocr
Verifying OCR integrity

Checking OCR integrity...

Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration...
All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations

ASM Running check passed. ASM is running on all specified nodes

Checking OCR config file "/etc/oracle/ocr.loc"...

OCR config file "/etc/oracle/ocr.loc" check successful

Disk group for ocr location "+SYSTEMDG" available on all the nodes

Disk group for ocr location "+FRA" available on all the nodes

Disk group for ocr location "+DATA" available on all the nodes

This check does not verify the integrity of the OCR contents.
Execute 'ocrcheck' as a privileged user to verify the contents of OCR.

OCR integrity check passed

Verification of OCR integrity was successful.

Know about Oracle RAC Heartbeat

Oracle CRS的心跳主要分为Disk和Network Heartbeat,不同种类的心跳超时会对RAC造成不同的影响。

Heartbeat Mechanisms

Disk Heartbeat ( Voting device ) – IOT
Network Heartbeat ( across the interconnect ) – misscount
Misscount – max time a heartbeat can be missed before entering into a cluster reconfig to evict a node
IOT – internal I/O timeout, in seconds where an I/O to the disk must complete
IOT = misscount [ during initial cluster formation time]
IOT = disktimeout [ all other times ] 

Hardware Storage timeout
Software Storage timeout
OCFS Heartbeat timeouts



How to Uninstall/Reinstall 10g CRS Clusterware?

如何重装10g clusterware集群软件?


今天同事问我有没有彻底卸载CRS的文档,到metalink上搜了一圈结果还真没有,最后从Alejandro Vargas’ Blog上找到一份比较权威的文档,这里分享一下。

在AIX 5.3+HACMP 5.4以上环境安装10gR2 RAC CRS Clusterware必须先运行Patch 6718715中的rootpre.sh

在AIX 5.3+HACMP 5.4以上环境安装10gR2 RAC CRS Clusterware必须先运行Patch 6718715中的rootpre.sh,若不运行该rootpre.sh则会导致后续的诸多问题,例如:



1. 在 “Cluster Node Information” or “Specify Cluster Configuration” 2个界面窗口中无法点击灰色的ADD NODE按钮:


AIX: "Cluster Node Information" or "Specify Cluster Configuration" Window Does not Show Any Node and "Add" Button is Greyed Out

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later   [Release: 10.2 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Installing Oracle Clusterware (CRS or 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure), "Cluster Node Information" or "Specify Cluster Configuration" window does not show any node and "Add" button is greyed out:

Installation log

[main] [10:21:20:345] [sQueryCluster.isCluster:74]  LKMGR file =/usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain
[main] [10:21:20:346] [QueryCluster.:49]  Detected Cluster
[main] [10:21:20:346] [QueryCluster.isCluster:65]  Cluster existence check = true


The cause is IBM HACMP (or PowerHA) executable was not removed cleanly when HACMP was deinstalled. After HACMP was deinstalled, "ls" still shows one HACMP command:

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           29 Sep 21 13:54 /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain -> /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/cldomain

Oracle OUI depends on /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain to determine if vendor clusterware exists, if so, it will install on top of HACMP and get list of nodes from HACMP.

In this case, since HACMP executable is detected, OUI will not allow user to manually enter node information, however, since HACMP was deinstalled, it does not have any node membership information.


The solution is to remove /usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain from all nodes and restart OUI.




2. 运行root.sh时显示ocrconfig.bin无法加载必要的库文件,或者干脆root.sh运行失败 ,显示Failed to start Oracle Clusterware stack;


由于10g CRS对于AIX HACMP有较多的依赖关系所以 随10.2.0.1附带的rootpre.sh无法有效配置oracle用户的HA信息,所以必须先下载Patch 6718715: SUPPORT FOR HACMP 5.4 IN ROOTPRE.SH SCRIPT FOR 版本10.2.0.3,否则10.2.0.1 CRS将无法正常安装。





Product : 	Oracle Database Server 10GR2 (10.2.0.x)

Bug     :       6718715 - Support HACMP 5.4

Platforms: AIX 5L (5.x), AIX 6.x

Steps to apply the patch
1--> Login as root user 
2--> Unpack the files shipped in this patch in a temporary directory
3--> Run the rootpre.sh script

 This patch supercedes any rootpre.sh shipped with the aforementioned 
 Oracle products.

Contents of this distribution
1--> README.txt
2--> loadext(32bit executable)
3--> pw-syscall32 (32-bit executable for 32-bit kernels in AIX 4.1 & AIX 4.2)
4--> pw-syscall (32-bit executable for 32-bit kernels in AIX 4.3 and AIX 5L)
5--> pw-syscall64 (64-bit executable for 64-bit kernels in AIX 5L)
6--> rootpre.sh(commands text)
7--> ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxnr.a (Oracle 64-bit cluster library)
8--> ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxnr.so (Oracle 64-bit cluster library)
9--> ORCLcluster/lib32/libskgxnr.a (Oracle 32-bit cluster library)
10--> ORCLcluster/lib32/libskgxnr.so (Oracle 32-bit cluster library)

Brain Split?

真正出现脑裂的几率并不高,但确实让我们碰上了。2个月前为一套AIX6.1上的10.2.0.4双节点RAC系统做故障测试,主要内容是拔除RAC interconnect网线,测试CRS能否正确处理私有网络挂掉的情况。


正式测试时发现2台主机都没有重启,而两端的CSS都认为对方节点已经down了。这就造成2个节点都以为自身是幸存者,也就是我们说的脑裂(brain split),此时实例一般会因为LMON进程的缘故而hang住。




STEP 1 :20:41:19物理拔出网线后,节点间无法正常通信,进入misscount倒计时600s
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:41:21.465 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis2 (2) missed(2) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:41:22.465 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis2 (2) missed(3) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:17.956 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis2 (2) missed(598) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:18.963 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis2 (2) missed(599) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:19.963 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: Eviction started for node gis2 (2), flags 0x0001, state 3, wt4c 0

/* 节点1上完成倒计时后开始驱逐节点2*/

[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:41:19.598 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis1 (1) missed(2) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:41:20.599 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis1 (1) missed(3) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:15.871 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis1 (1) missed(598) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:16.871 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis1 (1) missed(599) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:17.878 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: Eviction started for node gis1 (1), flags 0x0001, state 3, wt4c 0


STEP 2: 2个节点读取磁盘心跳信息(clssnmReadDskHeartbeat),且认为对方节点已经down了

[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:20.964 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSetupAckWait: node(1) is ACTIVE
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:20.964 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSendVote: syncSeqNo(3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:20.964 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(13), ackCount(1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:20.965 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmSendVoteInfo: node(1) syncSeqNo(3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:21.714 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4185) LATS(1628594178) Disk lastSeqNo(4185)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:21.965 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitForAcks: done, msg type(13)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:21.965 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmCheckDskInfo: Checking disk info...
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:22.718 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4186) LATS(1628595183) Disk lastSeqNo(4186)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:22.964 [3342] >TRACE:   clssnmPollingThread: node gis1 (1) missed(2) checkin(s)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:23.722 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4187) LATS(1628596186) Disk lastSeqNo(4187)
[ CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:24.724 [1543] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down.
rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4188) LATS(1628597189) Disk lastSeqNo(4188)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:49.953 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4692) LATS(1629102418) Disk lastSeqNo(4692)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:50.057 [3085] >TRACE:   clssgmPeerDeactivate: node 2 (gis2), death 0, state 0x80000001 connstate 0xf
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:50.104 [1029] >TRACE:   clssnm_skgxncheck: CSS daemon failed on node 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:50.382 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientConnectMsg: Connect from con(112a6c5b0) proc(112a5a190) pid() proto(10:2:1:1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.231 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmEvict: Start
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.231 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmEvict: Evicting node 2, birth 1, death 3, killme 1
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitOnEvictions: Start
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitOnEvictions: Node(0) down, LATS(0),timeout(1629103696)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitOnEvictions: Node(2) down, LATS(1629102418),timeout(1278)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSetupAckWait: Ack message type (15)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSetupAckWait: node(1) is ACTIVE
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSendUpdate: syncSeqNo(3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(15), ackCount(1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 0, state (0/0) unique (0/0) prevConuni(0) birth (0/0) (old/new)
[    CSSD]2010-06-2F1.232 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmDeactivateNode: node 0 () left cluster

[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 1, state (3/3) unique (1277207505/1277207505) prevConuni(0) birth (2/2) (old/new)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmUpdateNodeState: node 2, state (0/0) unique (1277206874/1277206874) prevConuni(1277206874) birth (1/0) (old/new)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.232 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmDeactivateNode: node 2 (gis2) left cluster

[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.233 [2057] >USER:    clssnmHandleUpdate: SYNC(3) from node(1) completed
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.233 [2057] >USER:    clssnmHandleUpdate: NODE 1 (gis1) IS ACTIVE MEMBER OF CLUSTER
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmReconfigThread:  started for reconfig (3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >USER:    NMEVENT_RECONFIG [00][00][00][02]
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock crs_version type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock ORA_CLSRD_1_gisdb type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock ORA_CLSRD_1_gisdb type 3
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock ORA_CLSRD_2_gisdb type 3
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupOrphanMembers: cleaning up remote mbr(0) grock(ORA_CLSRD_2_gisdb) birth(1/0)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock DBGISDB type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock DGGISDB type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock DAALL_DB type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock EVMDMAIN type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock CRSDMAIN type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock IGGISDBALL type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock ocr_crs type 2
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.310 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmCleanupGrocks: cleaning up grock ORA_CLSRCSN_SRV_gisdb1 type 3
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.311 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmEstablishConnections: 1 nodes in cluster incarn 3
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.311 [3085] >TRACE:   clssgmPeerListener: connects done (1/1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.311 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmEstablishMasterNode: MASTER for 3 is node(1) birth(2)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.311 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmChangeMasterNode: requeued 1 RPCs
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.311 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmMasterCMSync: Synchronizing group/lock status
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:51.312 [4114] >TRACE:   clssgmMasterSendDBDone: group/lock status synchronization complete
[    CSSD]CLSS-3000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation 3 with 1 nodes

[    CSSD]CLSS-3001: local node number 1, master node number 1

/* 节点1在hearbeat 8分钟左右后认为CSS daemon failed on node 2,正式认为Node 2离开了集群,并完成了reconfiguration*/

[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:18.892 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmSendVote: syncSeqNo(3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:18.892 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitForAcks: Ack message type(13), ackCount(1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:18.892 [2057] >TRACE:   clssnmSendVoteInfo: node(2) syncSeqNo(3)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:19.287 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(3548) LATS(351788040) Disk lastSeqNo(3548)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:19.892 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmWaitForAcks: done, msg type(13)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:19.892 [3856] >TRACE:   clssnmCheckDskInfo: Checking disk info...
[ CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:20.288 [1543] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(3549) LATS(351789041) Disk lastSeqNo(3549)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:51:21.308 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(3550) LATS(351790062) Disk lastSeqNo(3550)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.122 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4051) LATS(352294875) Disk lastSeqNo(4051)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.341 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientConnectMsg: Connect from con(112947c70) proc(112946f90) pid() proto(10:2:1:1)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >WARNING: clssgmShutDown: Received explicit shutdown request from client.
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112a50210) proc (112a4e3d0)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112a50cd0) proc (112a4e3d0)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112a536f0) proc (112a4e3d0)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112a4eb90) proc (112a4eef0)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112a69250) proc (112a67e10)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: Aborting client (112946050) proc (112945e50)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.355 [2314] >TRACE:   clssgmClientShutdown: waited 0 seconds on 6 IO capable clients
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:46.494 [2314] >WARNING: clssgmClientShutdown: graceful shutdown completed.
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 20:59:47.130 [1543] >TRACE:   clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(3) wrtcnt(4052) LATS(352295883) Disk lastSeqNo(4052)
[    CSSD]2010-06-22 21:34:40.167 >USER:    Oracle Database 10g CSS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2004 Oracle.  All rights reserved.

/* node2 也正确进行了heartbeat,并认为node(1) is down,最后被手动关闭;之后还原了网络故障,在21:34时CSS重新启动*/


如果你仔细看以上日志的话,你大概会找出”Oracle Database 10g CSS Release″的记录;这套RAC不是10.2.0.4的吗,为什么CSS还是10.2.0.1版本的呢,事后调查才发觉是安装该套系统的施工方国内某X码工程师在给CRS打补丁的时候忘记运行最后的root102.sh脚本了,该脚本将更新OCR/Voting disk及实际的CRS binary文件等,如果补丁安装结束后没有运行该脚本则升级不会有任何效果,而只会更新oraInventory中的信息。


刚开始时哪位X码的工程师抵死不肯承认忘记了运行脚本,而实际上在AIX 6.1上打10.2.0.4 CRS的patch是需要为oracle用户赋特有的权限的,这一点不同于AIX 5.3上,即:


lsuser -f oracle | grep capabilities




了解到以上信息后对此次脑裂的追根溯源就要简单的多了,版本10201上的CRS可以说Bug众多的,从10201-10204期间CRS加入了不少新的参数和机制,在MOS上搜索关键词”brain split CSS”可以找到以下案例:

Hdr: 8293652 PCW OSD PRODID-5 PORTID-46
2-node RAC: Node1 (pdb01) and Node2 (pdb02)
There’s no time difference between two nodes.

pdb02 got ORA-29740 and terminated at “Tue Feb 17 12:13:06 2009”
ORA-29740 occured with reason 1.
After ORA-29740 happened, the instance won’t be able to start
until rebooting OS.
After rebooting OS, everything was fine and instances were up.

clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(2) is down. rcfg(8) wrtcnt(2494425)
LATS(1205488794) Disk lastSeqNo(2494425)
clssgmMasterSendDBDone: group/lock status synchronization complete



once at ct’s env.







Does ct apply any CRS(bundle) patch ?

When problem happen, cssd can’t connect each other via interconnect,
but both cssd can do heartbeat to voting disk.
However, both cssd consider that “I’m survivor”.
Looking into node 1 cssd.
* 12:02:30.856 – Initiated sync
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.856 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
Initiating sync 7
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.856 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
diskTimeout set to (57000)ms

* Checking voting disk, and find node2 is still voting and living.
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.874 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
Checking disk info…
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.874 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
node(2) timeout(20) state_network(5) state_disk(3) misstime(0)
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:31.878 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
node(2) disk HB found, network state 5, disk state(3) misstime(1010)

* Compared cluster size and confirmed it can survive.
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:34.885 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
node 2, iz-pdb02, state 5 with leader 2 has smaller cluster size 1;
my cluster size 1 with leader 1

* Then finished
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:34.886 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
Sync Complete!
*** 03/08/09 11:23 pm ***
Looking into node 2 cssd log.

* 12:02:20.647 – initiated sync protocol
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:20.647 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
Initiating sync 7
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:20.647 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
diskTimeout set to (57000)ms

* Checking disk and find node1 does not do disk heartbeart for 59690 ms.
it would have waited for misscount and considered node 1 is dead
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:22.285 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
Checking disk info…
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:22.285 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmCheckDskInfo:
node(1) timeout(59690) state_network(5) state_disk(3) misstime(61000)

* node2 is the only active member of cluster, finished.
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:22.723 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
Sync Complete!
*** 03/08/09 11:45 pm ***
So, strange point is, node 2 cssd says node 1 cssd didn’t do
disk heartbeat for 60 seconds.

Looking into node1 cssd log just before initiating sync. We see 87sec gap.
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:00:19.354 [1199618400] >TRACE: clssgmClientConnectMsg:
Connect from con(0x784d80) proc(0x7749b0) pid(14746) proto(10:2:1:1)
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:00:33.338 [1199618400] >TRACE: clssgmClientConnectMsg:
Connect from con(0x7d8620) proc(0x75cfb0) pid() proto(10:2:1:1)
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:01:03.688 [1199618400] >TRACE: clssgmClientConnectMsg:
Connect from con(0x76a390) proc(0x75cfb0) pid(13634) proto(10:2:1:1)
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.855 [1168148832] >WARNING: clssnmDiskPMT:
sltscvtimewait timeout (69200)
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.855 [1189128544] >WARNING: clssnmeventhndlr:
Receive failure with node 2 (iz-pdb02), state 3, con(0x72b980),
probe((nil)), rc=10
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.855 [1189128544] >TRACE: clssnmDiscHelper:
iz-pdb02, node(2) connection failed, con (0x72b980), probe((nil))
[ CSSD]2009-02-17 12:02:30.856 [1262557536] >TRACE: clssnmDoSyncUpdate:
Initiating sync 7

As an interesting point, clssgmClientConnectMsg does not show message,
but nm polling thread/disk ping thread does not warn timeout.
(Usually it should write message first at 50% of timeout = 30 sec)

And “sltscvtimewait timeout (69200)” message means, DiskPingMonitor thread
does not run for a 69200 ms whereas it just wants to sleep 1 second.

These suggest, cssd does not scheduled about 70 seconds on node 1.
I don’t see any log from DiskPingThread, but I assume it is suspended
at some point also, and back to work after 70 seconds.
Please check OS message file to see any interesting error is recorded.
To prevent this issue, keep watching OS performance to see if any
extreme high load does not happen.

Recommended solution it to go to and use oprocd so that
we can expect oprocd kill node1 in such case.



上述案例同样是在”cssd can’t connect each other via interconnect”的状况下出现了”I’m survivor”的脑裂问题,MOS的建议是升级到10204后oprocd进程可以阻止这样的惨剧发生。





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