1. 首先切换到 $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib目录
2. 运行以下命令:
nm -r libknlopt.a | grep -c kcsm.o
运行命令: make -f ins_rdbms.mk rac_on
附 ins_rdbms.mk 文件
How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to – Release: 10.2 to 11.2
Other UNIX
The goal of this article is 2 parts:
This applies to the following options:
Last, some unusual items to be aware of
Before you can verify options and/or enable/disable them, you will need to:
and run either or both of the following commands:
where {file} is => OPTION – file
An example
To enable or disable options, please look at the following commands:
where {option} is => OPTION – {option on} / {option off }
An example
would enable ASM option
Unusual Items to be Aware Of
The V$OPTION is unchanged and you will need to refer to other documentation to change it in order to complete the changes to the options. This include but not limited to running sql scripts which changes the DB Catalog.
Lastly, the Oracle binary will need to be recompiled
Additional information is the chopt utility
Customize Enterprise Edition Options under version
Applies to:
Oracle Universal Installer
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Explain how the 11.2 runInstaller works when we choose distinct oracle Enterprise Edition options.
Previous versions of the Oracle Universal Installer such as 10.2 and 11.1 allowed us the possibility to execute a custom installation of oracle database components. Under 11.2 we do not have this option and we can only choose one of the following possibilities:
EE : Enterprise Edition
SE : Standard Edition
SEONE : Standard Edition One
PE : Personal Edition (WINDOWS ONLY)
The only customize possibilities that we have are related to the Enterprise Edition options to choose.
The list of EE options to enable are the following:
oracle.rdbms.partitioning: – Oracle Partitioning
oracle.rdbms.dm: – Oracle Data Mining
oracle.rdbms.dv: – Oracle Database Vault
oracle.rdbms.lbac: – Oracle Label Security
oracle.rdbms.rat: – Oracle Real Application Testing
oracle.oraolap: – Oracle OLAP
Choosing one of this options or choosing all doesn’t means that the component won’t be installed in the system. Choosing one of them means that the options will be enabled or disabled in the oracle executable across the libknlopt.a library.
To know what options are enabled or disabled in the libknlopt.a we can use the following command:
We can cross the output with the next list.
(OLS) Oracle Label Security ON= kzlilbac.o
(OLS) Oracle Label Security OFF= kzlnlbac.o
(DV) Oracle Database Vault ON= kzvidv.o
(DV) Oracle Database Vault OFF= kzvndv.o
Oracle OLAP ON= xsyeolap.o
Oracle OLAP OFF=xsnoolap.o
(PART) Oracle Partitioning ON= kkpoban.o
(PART) Oracle Partitioning OFF= ksnkkpo.o
(DM) Oracle Data Mining ON=dmwdm.o
(DM) Oracle Data Mining OFF=dmndm.o
(RAT) Oracle Real Application Testing ON=kecwr.o
(RAT) Oracle Real Application Testing OFF=kecnr.o
(RAC) Oracle Real Application Cluster ON=kcsm.o
(RAC) Oracle Real Application Cluster OFF=ksnkcs.o
(ASM) Storage Management ON=kfon.o
(ASM) Storage Management OFF=kfoff.o
As we mentioned above, the component product will be installed and the size and number of directories in the ORACLE_HOME will be the same. Only the option will be enabled or disabled under the oracle executable.
We can verify this behavior using opatch tools. The output will be the same, independent of the Enterprise Edition options chosen.
To enable or disable options, please look at the following commands:
where {option} is => OPTION – {option on} / {option off }
A couple of examples:
would enable ASM option
would disable Data Mining option
Since you need to relink oracle itself after enabling or disabling any option, it is also necessary to follow any of these “enable/disable” commands with:
make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle
Installed Top-level Products (1):
Oracle Database 11g
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
XML Parser for Oracle JVM
There are 134 products installed in this Oracle Home.
There are no Interim patches installed in this Oracle Home.
Please note that we have a new tools “chopt” to enable or disable Enterprise Edition Options.
We can observe the same behavior in silent install too. We cannot do a custom install using silent install as the response file provided with the media is wrong. Public bug 8933828 was opened to correct this problem.
11gR2 Install (Non-RAC): Understanding New Changes With All New 11.2 Installer
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This article helps to understand the new changes incorporated with all new 11.2 installer (in Non-RAC environment installations).
Scope and Application
This article helps to understand the new changes incorporated with all new 11.2 installer (in Non-RAC environment installations).
11gR2 Install (Non-RAC): Understanding New Changes With All New 11.2 Installer
Following are the changes observed with all new 11.2 installer when compared to previous releases.
1) Following are the installation options provided by 11.2 Installer from Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( installation kit.
Create and configure a Database: Creates new database along with software installation
Install Database Software only: Installs only OracleHome software
Upgrade an Existing Database: Allows database upgrades along with software installation
2) Input for “Oracle Home Name” is now removed from interview phase during installation. 11.2 OUI is now uses default name (controlled by DEFAULT_HOME_NAME parameter in oraparam.ini) for the Oracle Home installation. If user wants to specify different Oracle Home Name other than the default name, then user can specify the OracleHomeName via command prompt
3) New screen “System Class” has been added to chose between “Desktop Class” OR “Server Class“.
“Desktop Class” installs a minimal configuration SI (Single Instance) database installation with dbcontrol configured on local host. This option is to minimize the number of user inputs for installations on desktop class systems
“Server Class” selection provides advanced configuration options (for creating SI or RAC database)
4) There is no need to use ‘-record‘ flag to record/save the response file. At Summary page of installation, 11gR2 installer provides option to save the response file. We can perfom the silent installation using this saved response file
5) There is no “Custom Install” option to select/deselect components/products during installation of Oracle Database Server. Available install options are
Enterprise Edition
Standard Edition
Standard Edition One
11gR2 installer installs the Oracle Home with ALL (without any customization) the components/products that are licensed under specific edition (EE, SE or SEOne). However, installer allows you to enable/disable specific component based on your selection. Components available for enable/disable (in OracleHome binaries) are
Oracle Partitioning
Oracle OLAP
Oracle Label Security
Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
Oracle Database Vault option
Oracle Real Application Testing
6) It is not possible to perform additional components/products installation on top of existing 11gR2 OracleHome. As there is no ‘Custom install’ option, it is not possible to select/deselect components/products for installation/deinstallation to/from already installed/existing 11gR2 Oracle Home. Database edition chosen at the time of OracleHome installation, is the final installation selection. OracleHome software will be installed with ALL (or FULL) components/products that are licensed under specific edition (EE, SE or SEOne) installed.
7) New deinstall script has been provided for deinstalling the 11gR2 Oracle Database Home.
% ./deinstall
8) 11.2 installer provides only two install methods : Interactive and Silent. Suppressed-Interactive Mode does not work with 11.2 OUI. If runInstaller command is invoked without “-silent” option but supplied the necessary information by using a response file or command line entries, then OUI still shows all the interactive screens but displays the values supplied through responsefile or command line entries as default values.
9) During installation, list of configuration tools (ex: DBCA) can be seen in advance before they get executed. User can supply -noconfig flag with the runInstaller command to skip execution of all configuration tools during installation.
10) 11.2 OUI is now provided with new argument/option called “-relink” to perform relinking activities.
Manual relinking (i.e ‘relink all’) of the “11gR2 Oracle Database Home” is now executed using “runInstaller -relink”. Following is the command syntax used for ‘relink all’ (i.e “$ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink all”) in 11gR2 Oracle Database Home
11) Separate 32-Bit Client installation kit for 64-Bit Platforms. Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), 64-bit client installation kit will not contain any 32-bit client binaries. If you require 32-bit client binaries on 64-bit platforms, then you can install the 32-bit binaries from the respective 32-bit client installation kit.
12) On prerequisites execution screen, OUI generates a script that has fixes to some or all of the fixable prereqs that failed.
– On entering the prereq dialog, prereqs are run.
– If one or more fixable prereqs fail, then fixup dialog is shown and user is asked to run the script to automatically fix the failed (fixable) prereqs.
There is no option to ignore a specific prereq failure. Only option available is “Ignore All”.
13) Bubble help is available for each option in installation screens. It gives tip/information about the option when you move the mouse over that particular option.
14) “Detail” button in installation progress window (screen name: “Install Product”) provides live installation progress messages in a separate window.
How to install 11gR2 Database/Client Software in Silent mode without using response file [ID 885643.1]
Applies to:
Oracle Universal Installer – Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
How to install Oracle Database Server/Client software in non-interactive or silent mode from command line without using a response file?
Silent installation can be done with the help of “Response File”. “Response File” contains all the inputs that are required for doing the silent installation.
“Response File” can be created using one of the following methods:
– Responsefile template supplied with installation kit:
Ex: <11gR2 Disk>/database/response/db_install.rsp
Copy “<11gR2 Disk>/database/response/db_install.rsp” to “<path>/db_install.rsp”
Edit “<path>/db_install.rsp” and modify the values that suits your environment
– Record the responsefile using OUI in interactive mode:
Starting with 11gR2, user can save (Record) all the installation steps into a response file during installation. This can be achieved by clicking on “Save Response File” button on the Summary page. Later, this saved response file can be used for a silent installation.
Once the response file is created, user can execute the following command to do a silent installation:
Windows : setup.exe -silent -responseFile “<path>\db_install.rsp”
Unix : ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile “<path>/db_install.rsp”
The same silent installation can be done directly from the command prompt without using a response file but it requires a minimum set of variables (from the response file) as arguments to the OUI (i.e “runInstaller or setup.exe”).
For example, the following commands can be used to install in Silent mode without a response file:
The following command can be used to install Database (Enterprise Edition Softwrae Only) in silent mode:
$ ./runInstaller -silent -debug -force \
FROM_LOCATION=/11gR2/database/stage/products.xml \
oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY \
UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall \
INVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory \
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11201/db_1 \
ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”OraDb11g_Home1″ \
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle \
oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE \
oracle.install.db.isCustomInstall=false \
oracle.install.db.DBA_GROUP=dba \
oracle.install.db.OPER_GROUP=dba \
“DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true” causes the Install of the OCM component but does not do the OCM configuration.
If user wants to configure the OCM along with Database Silent Installation, then the following parameters need to be included to the above command:
MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=<MyOracleSupport Login Password>
If direct connection is not possible, then following proxy connection details are required additionally
The following command can be used to install Client (Install Type : Administrator) in silent mode:
$ ./runInstaller -silent -debug -force
FROM_LOCATION=/11gR2/client/stage/products.xml \
UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall \
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11201/Client_1 \
ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”OraClient11g_Home1″ \
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle \
The following options are not mandatory but can be used when required:
-force : Allows silent mode installation into a non-empty ORACLE_HOME directory.
-debug : Displays debug information from OUI. This will be usefull if OUI is not starting.
11.2 installer provides only two install mehods : Interactive and Silent.
Suppressed-Interactive mode (used to work in previous releases) does not work with 11.2 OUI.
If runInstaller command is invoked without “-silent” option but supplied the necessary information by using a response file or command line entries, then OUI still shows all the interactive screens and displays the values supplied through responsefile or command line entries as default values.
Oracle 11gR2 Relink New Feature [ID 883299.1]
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Generic UNIX
What is new in Oracle 11gR2 Relink?
I ) Oracle 11gR2 has two methods of relinking all product binaries in a home
1) Traditional relink with ‘all’ option only
The first method is the normal running the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink script, which now only accepts the‘all’ parameter (no other parameters are accepted)
% $ORACE_HOME/bin/relink ( By default it takes the ‘all’ parameter )
Note : ‘Relink all’ is provided for backward compatibility.
2) relink using runInstaller
This runs the command:
Usage: -relink -maketargetsxml <location of maketargetsxml> [-makedepsxml <location of makedepsxml>] [name=value]
$ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -relink -waitForCompletion -maketargetsxml $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/make/makeorder.xml -logLocation $ORACLE_HOME/install ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME > $ORACLE_HOME/install/relink.log 2>&1
II) Relink log location
Case 1
If relink is performed using OUI then “$ORACLE_HOME/install/relink.log” is not created by default.
To send the relink output to $ORACLE_HOME/install/relink.log we need to redirect the output explicitly.
Case 2
In case of ” relink all ” command, it always creates a new log file with a name “relink.log” and it will not append log information to the existing relink log file . The previous log will be saved with a timestamp ( Ex: relinkActions2009-09-14_09-01-10-PM.log )
How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Server software silently without response file
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Server Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Oracle Server Enterprise Edition – Version: to
How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Server software in non-interactive or silent mode from command line without using response file?
Generally silent installation can be done with the help of “Response File”. “Response File” contains all the inputs that are required for doing the silent installation.
“Response File” can be created using one of the following methods
– Using the responsefile template supplied with installation kit
Ex: <11g Disk>/database/response/enterprise.rsp
copy “<11g Disk>/database/response/enterprise.rsp” to “<path>/my_response.rsp”
edit “<path>/enterprise.rsp” and modify the values that suits your environment
– Create responsefile using OUI’s option “-record”
Invoke the interactive installation using following command
Windows : setup.exe -record -destinationFile “<path>\my_response.rsp”
Unix : ./runInstaller -record -destinationFile “<path>/my_response.rsp”
Progress the installation till summary page and then exit the installer.
All the inputs passed to the OUI during interactive installation will be
recorded into “<path>/My_Response.rsp”
Once the response file is created, we can execute following command to do a silent installation
Windows : setup.exe -silent -responseFile “<path>\my_response.rsp”
Unix : ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile “<path>/my_response.rsp”
Same silent installation can be done directly from the command prompt without response file but it requires minimum set of variables (from response file) as arguments to the OUI (i.e “runInstaller or setup.exe”).
For example, following command can be used to install Database Server software in silent mode
11gR1 :
Windows :
> setup.exe -silent -force -debug FROM_LOCATION=”Z:\database\stage\products.xml” ORACLE_HOME=”D:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1″ ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”Ora11gDb1″ ORACLE_BASE=”D:\app\oracle” TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT={“oracle.server”,”″} INSTALL_TYPE=”EE” n_configurationOption=3
$ ./runInstaller -silent -force -debug \
FROM_LOCATION=”/mount/dvd/database/stage/products.xml” \
ORACLE_HOME=”/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1″ \
ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”Ora11gDb1″ ORACLE_BASE=”/u01/app/oracle” \
TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT='{“oracle.server”,”″}’ \
INSTALL_TYPE=”EE” n_configurationOption=3
10gR2 :
Windows :
> setup.exe -silent -force -debug FROM_LOCATION=”Z:\database\stage\products.xml” ORACLE_HOME=”D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1″ ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”Ora10gDb1″ TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT={“oracle.server”,”″} INSTALL_TYPE=”EE” n_configurationOption=3
$ ./runInstaller -silent -force -debug \
FROM_LOCATION=”/mount/dvd/database/stage/products.xml” \
ORACLE_HOME=”/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1″ \
TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT='{“oracle.server”,”″}’ \
INSTALL_TYPE=”EE” n_configurationOption=3
Following command can be used to deinstall Database Server Software in silent mode. Example is given for 10gR2 (
DEINSTALL_LIST='{“oracle.server”,”″}’ \
1. On windows, ensure that command is framed in single line and space is used between each option and variable
Ex: setup.exe -option1 -option2 variable1=value variable2=value ….
2. During install, variable “n_configurationOption=3” indicates that install “Software Only” option
3. Following options are not mandatory but can be used when required
-force : Allows silent mode installation into a non-empty ORACLE_HOME directory.
-debug : Displays debug information from OUI. This will be usefull if OUI is not starting.
Refer following article for installing database patchset software in silent mode
Note 808275.1 How to install Oracle Database Patchset software in Silent mode without using response file
How to install Oracle Database Patchset software in Silent mode without using response file
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This article helps to install Oracle Database Patchset software in silent/non-interactive mode from command line without using response file.
Generally patchset silent installation can be done with the help of the “Response File” (patchset.rsp) supplied with the patchset software.
The process is documented in the README for each patchset.
The same silent patchset installation can be done directly from the command prompt without response file, by using a minimum set of variables (from response file) as arguments to the OUI (i.e “runInstaller” or “setup.exe”).
For example, following command can be used to install Oracle Database Patchset software in silent mode
Windows :
> setup.exe -silent -force -debug FROM_LOCATION=”Z:\patches\\Disk1\stage\products.xml” ORACLE_HOME=”D:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1″ ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”Ora11gDb1″ TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT={“oracle.patchset.db”,”″} DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=TRUE
$ ./runInstaller -silent -force -debug \
FROM_LOCATION=”//oracle/Patches/” \
ORACLE_HOME=”/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1″ \
TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT='{“oracle.patchset.db”,”″}’ \
Installs the OCM component (if not already installed) but does not do the OCM configuration.
During patchset software installation, if “DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=TRUE” is not supplied during silent/non-interactive installation mode, then OUI may fail with following errors
SEVERE:Values for the following variables could not be obtained from the command line or response file(s):
Silent install cannot continue.
Windows :
> setup.exe -silent -force -debug FROM_LOCATION=”Z:\patches\\Disk1\stage\products.xml” ORACLE_HOME=”D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1″ ORACLE_HOME_NAME=”Ora10gDb1″ TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT={“oracle.patchset.db”,”″}
$ ./runInstaller -silent -force -debug \
FROM_LOCATION=”/oracle/Patches/” \
ORACLE_HOME=”/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1″ \
1. On windows, ensure that command is framed in single line and space is used between each option and variable
Ex: setup.exe -option1-option2 variable1=value variable2=value ….
2. Examples are given for latest patchset versions at the time of article creation
3. If you want to install other patchset versions, please ensure that you are passing correct values for following variables
– TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT : should contain correct component name and version
– FROM_LOCATION : should point to the products.xml in the patchset software install kit
4. For confirmation, please verify variable values in response file template supplied with the patchset software.
$ cd <Patchset>/Disk1
$ grep TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT ./response/patchset.rsp
$ grep FROM_LOCATION ./response/patchset.rsp
Different ways to check if Oracle RDBMS software is RAC enabled.
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to – Release: 9.2 to 10.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Server Enterprise Edition – Version: to
Many times installations are performed by wrongly selecting ‘single instance’ or it is unclear after installation if RAC option was selected.
At times later DBCA while performing installation gives error :
“ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Real Application Clusters”
How can you determine if the RAC option has been enabled during RDBMS installation?
1) Check RDA :
RDA will show two options :
(a) This section will show if RAC software package is installed
(b) This section shows if RAC option is enabled. (Also check Point 3 below)
2) Run the command :
In Linux (ONLY) you can use the following statement in order to check if
an Oracle RAC specific library is linked against the current executable.
Alternately you can run below :
3) When you login to a sqlplus connection it will show :
SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Fri Dec 26 12:11:13 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: / as sysdba
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options
Note: this will only work if you are logging into an existing database. If you launch sqlplus without connecting to a database, then it will not show any database options.
4) Other ways to check are by checking for few parameters in alert log :
cluster_database_instances= 2
5) Querying the GV$<views> can also tell that RAC would be installed :
Relink or ‘make ioracle’ fails with libraries ha_gs_r ha_em_r not found
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit)
Attempting to relink or ‘make ioracle’ on a NON-RAC Oracle_Home fails with …
Make failed to invoke “/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle ORACLE_HOME=</path/to/Oracle/Home>”….’ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ha_gs_r
ld:open(): No such file or directory
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ha_em_r
ld:open(): No such file or directory
make: The error code from the last command is 255.
The ha_gs_r and ha_em_r libraries are provided by the AIX rsct.basic.rte fileset. rsct.basic.rte is a requirement for RAC but not for non-RAC database installations.
The Oracle_Home may have once been in a RAC configuration, or the Oracle_Home may have been inappropriately copied or cloned from a RAC server. It may be necessary to re-install the Oracle_Home to avoid further linking errors, however, this error can be worked around.
In this case, the ‘make’ for ‘ioracle’ is finding object ‘kcsm.o’ in library $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a …
The existence of OH/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a(kcsm.o) triggers the ‘make’ process to link-in the HA libraries. In a non-RAC Oracle_Home, kcsm.o can be dropped from the library to avoid attempting to link-in the HA libraries.
To drop OH/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a(kcsm.o) …
$ ar -x -X64 libknlopt.a kcsm.o
$ ar -d -X64 libknlopt.a kcsm.o
The ‘ar -x’ extracts kcsm.o from the library into the current directory, in case it is needed later.
The ‘ar -d’ deletes kcsm.o from the library.
At this point, it should be possible to ‘make’ the OH/bin/oracle binary without invoking the HA libraries. With all processes running from the Oracle_Home SHUTDOWN …
$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle
If fatal errors continue to appear, re-installing the Oracle_Home should be considered.
Relink of RAC Database Fails: Cannot find or open library file: -l ha_gs_r
Applies to:
Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit)
Relink of RAC database fails with:
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ha_gs_r
ld:open(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ha_em_r
ld:open(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 255
Fileset rsct.basic.rte (required for RAC) is not installed .
1. install fileset rsct.basic.rte
2. relink again