如何跟踪dbca工具,Tracing the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

以下文档摘自metalink doc : 188134.1

Subject: Tracing the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
  Doc ID: 188134.1 Type:  BULLETIN
  Modified Date:  09-OCT-2008 Status:  PUBLISHED

The Purpose of this document is to assist in debugging DBCA problems.

Scope & Application

This document is for DBAs and support analysts to troubleshoot DBCA issues.
Tracing the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
To provide verbose output for DBCA, tracing can be enabled to provide additional
output.  To turn on tracing from 9i to 10g:

1. Do a copy of the original dbca file in $ORACLE_HOME/bin. For example:

   cp $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca.ori

2. vi the dbca file in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

3. At the end of the file, look for the following line:

   # Run DBCA
   $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m -classpath
   $CLASSPATH oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS

4. Add the following just before the -classpath in the ‘$JRE_DIR’ line:
5. At the end of the dbca file, the string should now look like this:

   # Run DBCA
   $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m
   oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS

The -DTRACING.LEVEL was missing a space after the 2 so that it looks
like 2-classpath.

6. To trace run:

   [opcbsol1]/u01/home/usupport> dbca > dbca.out &

The output will be written to the dbca.out file.
In 10.2  you can add the -DDEBUG flag  so that you get the debug information
given to you interactively

“C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\racdb\jdk\jre\BIN\JAVA” -DDEBUG -DORACLE_HOME=”%OH%” –
DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx128m oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca %*
BUT in 10.2 you should already have the trace information written automatically
to the following location


In 11g, the location of trace.log has changed to:




    Applies to:

    Oracle Database Configuration Assistant – Version: to
    Information in this document applies to any platform.

    Trying to create a database using the DBCA
    After configuring all options successfully, clicking finish does nothing.

    There is no progress, and no errors are returned

    Looking at the dbca trace.log does not show any errors, just the following:
    [AWT-EventQueue-0] [11:20:29:828] [DBCAWizard.onFinish:1139] m_bFinishClicked: true
    [AWT-EventQueue-0] [11:20:30:2] [DBCAWizard.onFinish:1139] m_bFinishClicked: true
    [AWT-EventQueue-0] [11:20:35:126] [SQLEngine.done:1958] Done called

    In 10.2 trace information should be written automatically to the following location


    In 11g, the location of trace.log has changed to:



    In most cases, it appears that an X client is being used to run the dbca, like Xming.


    To use Xming, you have to install the complete font package.

    Optionally, run dbca locally from the console, using a different X client or using VNC.

    Reflections X and Exceed are also known to work.

  2. DBCA Tips and Pitfalls in a Windows RAC 9i Environment

    Tips And Pitfalls Using DBCA in a Windows RAC 9i Environment:

    Under normal circumstances, if the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is
    invoked via the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) and/or independently
    following successful install, then none of the following documented steps
    should be necessary.

    However, in environments where DBCA should happen to fail, here are some tips
    and troubleshooting actions that may be followed to get DBCA to perform the
    desired database creation.

    It should be noted that manual creation of a database – even in a clustered
    environment – is still a very valid option for creating your database and
    should be considered against debugging DBCA as a way of meeting a stringent
    deadline. In which case Note.137288.1 Manual Database Creation in
    Oracle9i (Single Instance and RAC) details the process to be followed.

    Topics Covered in this Article:

    1. Run the Global Services Daemon (GSD) in the foreground
    2. Trace DBCA during database creation
    3. Cleaning up after a failed DBCA create cluster database attempt
    4. DBCA will fail if Oracle Net is not configured properly
    5. spfile.ora does not point to a logical partition
    6. What is happening when DBCA seems to hang around 95-100%
    7. Miscellaneous configuration which may prevent DBCA from succeeding
    + Sample Configuration Files


    1. Run the Global Services Daemon (GSD) in the Foreground

    The DBCA requires that the GSD be run in the foreground on each cluster
    node in order to function properly.

    1. Start the GSD on ALL cluster nodes in the foreground before invoking the

    If the GSD is already running:

    – Stop the GSD using commandline: gsdctl stop
    – Use the control panel services applet

    THEN run ‘gsd.bat’ from the command line and leave this window open,
    undisturbed (gsd.bat is found in $ORACLE_HOME\bin)

    Repeat on all nodes.

    The output on each node will display the name of the node where the gsd.bat
    was first invoked and it will repeat that name over and over in a ping-like

    Do not close the window from which you invoke gsd.bat until the DBCA is
    completely finished and you have exited the DBCA properly.

    Example output of gsd.bat command (assuming gsd.bat has been invoked from
    NODE1 first):

    Example, from NODE1:

    “E:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin\jre” -DTRACING.ENABLED=false
    -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -classpath

    Example, from NODE2:

    “E:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin\jre” -DTRACING.ENABLED=false
    -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -classpath

    2. Trace DBCA During Database Creation

    Generating a DBCA trace file, in the event the DBCA should fail, will save
    time on senseless guessing as to what caused the failure.

    To generate a trace file for the DBCA it is necessary to edit the dbca.bat
    file. The dbca.bat file can be found in $ORACLE_HOME\bin and can be edited
    with a tool such as notepad. Remember to make a copy of the original dbca.bat
    before making any changes to this file.

    Note: This information is specific to Windows. If you are seeking
    instructions for tracing the DBCA on UNIX, please see
    Note.188134.1 Tracing the Database Configuration Assistant

    1. Use an editing tool such as Notepad or PFE to edit. Tracing information
    should be added to line 40 of the dbca.bat.

    Line 40 should now appear as follows:

    “E:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\BIN\JRE” -DTRACING.ENABLED=true

    2. To indicate where the trace file should be created, invoke DBCA from the
    command line using the following syntax:

    E:\> e:\oracle\ora920\bin\dbca.bat > e:\dbcatrace.txt

    When DBCA is run, the file ‘dbcatrace.txt’ will be generated in the directory
    indicated (in this case, e:\).

    3. Cleaning up after a failed DBCA create cluster database attempt

    As with standalone databases, the DBCA will read the registry first to
    determine if a particular instance name is already in use. If the SID is
    known either in the registry or in the SRVM repository then the DBCA will
    not allow you to reuse that particular SID name on the second create
    database attempt.

    1. Use the ORADIM utility at the command line to remove the OracleServiceSID
    from the Windows registry. Issue this command on each node, remembering
    to edit the SID name for each node)

    The oradim utility is found in the $ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.


    Assume failed DBCA cluster database attempt where SID prefix =

    From Node1:

    oradim -delete -sid ‘RACNT1’

    From Node2:

    oradim -delete -sid ‘RACNT2’

    2. Cleaning up the srvm repository: If this is the first cluster database
    to be added to the cluster, the srvm repository may be reinitialized.
    This should only be performed if this is the only cluster database known
    to the SRVM repository. This step will be necessary if the DBCA create
    database attempt has failed and you wish to use the same SID when
    attempting DBCA create database a second time.

    A. The GSD must first be stopped on all cluster nodes. Use gsdctl stop
    or stop the OracleGSDService from the control panel services applet.

    B. To reinitialize the repository, issue the command:

    srvconfig -init -f

    When DBCA is invoked again, it will no longer report the presence of database
    RACNT and it will allow this name to be used again.

    Note: It is also possible to trace GSD – see Note.178683.1 Tracing GSD,
    SRVCTL, GSDCTL, and SRVCONFIG for details.

    4. DBCA will fail if Oracle Net is not configured properly

    One of the tasks the DBCA will perform will be to configure your spfile and/or
    init.ora file parameters for this cluster database. Some parameters – such as
    ‘LOCAL_LISTENER’ will require that the proper net configuration is in place in
    order to allow the database to open. This is the reason that an improper net
    configuration could cause the DBCA to fail.

    As explained in Note.188555.1 ORA-119, ORA-132, and ORA-1078 When Using DBCA
    to Create a RAC Database, one of the requirements for the DBCA to run properly
    is that the Net Configuration Assistant (NETCA) must first have been run

    Therefore it is strongly advised that you do not manually edit the listener.ora
    and tnsnames.ora file information, but rather you leave the necessary
    configuration steps to the NETCA.

    In the event that these files have been edited manually since installation time,
    below are some troubleshooting tips that may help to get the DBCA to create the
    desired database.

    Net requirements before invoking the DBCA in a RAC environment are explained
    here in three categories:

    A. listener.ora configuration
    B. tnsnames.ora configuration
    C. init.ora configuration


    Listener.ora is usually configured at installation time when the OUI
    invokes the Net Configuration Assistant (NETCA). At this time, a
    very simple listener.ora file is generated and stored in

    If for any reason the NETCA is not run successfully at installation
    time, it is necessary for the DBCA that this tool be run independently

    When using DBCA to create your cluster database it is absolutely
    unnecessary – AND ILL ADVISED – to manually edit the listener.ora file.

    See Sample Configuration Files ‘A1’ here below for example listener.ora
    files before and after DBCA is run.


    Although not clearly documented, in order to run the DBCA successfully
    in your RAC environment, proper configuration of the tnsnames.ora file
    is critical.

    As with the listener.ora information it would be ill advised to edit
    the tnsnames.ora file manually as this may cause the database not to
    open and the DBCA to fail!

    The best way to begin is with the most simple tnsnames.ora information
    possible and to allow DBCA to put in the information it will need to
    create the instances, etc.

    See Sample Configuration Files ‘B1′ here below for example tnsnames.ora
    files before and after DBCA is run.

    C. INIT.ORA (net configuration)

    The DBCA will configure the SPFILE to contain the following parameters
    that correspond directly to the necessary parameters in the tnsnames.ora



    Note: Each of these init.ora entry values must correspond to a
    tnsnames.ora configured service entry.

    5. spfile.ora does not point to a logical partition

    While running Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create a database
    with datafiles to be stored on Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) in an
    Oracle 9i Real Application Clusters environment on Windows the following
    message is encountered:

    c:\oracle\ora92\database\spfileRACNT.ora does not point to a logical partition.

    The correct way to invoke DBCA in a RAC on Windows environment to create a
    database that will have its datafile storage on an OCFS partition is as
    documented in:

    Note:178882.1 : Step-By-Step Install of RAC with OCFS on Windows 2000

    invoke DBCA from the command line as instructed by Note:178882.1 :

    Step-By-Step Install of RAC with OCFS on Windows 2000

    dbca -datafileDestination O:\oradata

    If you don’t issue this command exactly, you will get the error as described

    A. Possible cause #1:

    Failure to capitalize the drive letter …

    dbca -datafileDestination o:\oradata

    instead of:

    dbca -datafileDestination O:\oradata

    B. Possible cause #2:
    Failure to include backslash,

    dbca -datafileDestination O:oradata

    instead of:

    dbca -datafileDestination O:\oradata

    Be sure to use the following syntax to invoke DBCA in a RAC on Windows
    environment to create a database that will have its datafile storage on an
    OCFS partition EXACTLY as documented:

    dbca -datafileDestination O:\oradata

    6. What is happening when DBCA seems to hang around 95-100%

    Do not panic. What appears to be a ‘hang’ may actually be a ‘pause’.

    It is not uncommon if the DBCA seems to ‘pause’ at 95-100% completion. At the
    end of the DBCA create cluster database process additional instances are
    created on the remote nodes and additional log threads are assigned to these

    When the DBCA reaches 100% completion, the Password Management screen should
    appear. Make certain that the password management screen is not just simply
    ‘hiding’ behind the DBCA applet. The DBCA window with status 100% will not go
    away until the Password Management screen has been exited.

    Other possible causes of probable DBCA hangs are covered in
    Note.213416.1 RAC Troubleshooting Windows NT/2000 Service Hangs

    7. Miscellaneous configuration that may prevent DBCA from succeeding

    1. Note.223554.1 Automatic Startup of the Intelligent Agent Fails in RAC

    2. Be sure that your OracleGSDService is configured to run under a user
    account that is a member of the ORA_DBA group. By default, the
    OracleGSDService is configured to run under the Local System account
    this change must be made manually. Please see the Windows Administrator
    guide for more information.

    3. There are srvm and dbca updates packaged wintin the CFS bundle for
    Windows. If you are using these executables from the CD installation,
    please obtain the CFS bundle from Oracle Tech Net whether you plan to
    use RAW or OCFS datafiles:

    Oracle Real Application Clusters, Cluster File System for Windows NT/2000

    4. Do not delete all control files in the Storage screen of DBCA. If you
    want to change the File Name or Directory from the default, simply edit
    the names that are given. Removing all control files listed will have
    the result that you will be unable to add any new control file names on
    this screen. If you have done so, then when attempting to proceed to
    the next window of the DBCA you will not be allowed since at least two
    controlfiles must be specified in order to have DBCA create a database
    for you.

    5. The DBCA template may indicate that the datfafiles will be created
    with AUTOEXTEND = true. However, if the datafiles will be created on
    raw devices, this will not be the case. After database creation, it
    will be necessary to alter the datafiles to trun on AUTOEXTEND if this
    is desired.

    To check the AUTOEXTENSIBLE status of the datafiles in the database,
    perform the following query:

    SQL> select file_name, autoextensible from dba_data_files;

    To set the AUTOEXTEND flag to ‘ON’ for particular or all datafiles,
    the following command must be issued:

    SQL> alter database datafile ‘\\.\TOOLS01.DBF’ autoextend on
    maxsize 80M;

    Note: Setting datafiles stored on raw devices to AUTOEXTEND in a Windows
    environment is not recommended.

    If you have chosen not to create a database during the Oracle Universal Installer
    installation of your RDBMS / RAC option, then you must invoke NETCA and create
    listeners for your cluster nodes before invoking DBCA to create your RAC

    Simply invoke NETCA, choose cluster configuration, choose all cluster nodenames
    from the list, ‘Add Listener’ and leave the default name of LISTENER.

    Assuming node names =

    Database name =

    Your LISTENER.ORA file should look like this one BEFORE and AFTER
    running DBCA in this environment:


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))

    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
    (SID_NAME = racdb1)

    Once the listeners have been created, you can run DBCA which will create your database
    as well as update your SRVM repository with information regarding this database
    AND update your tnsnames.ora files and initialization parameter files as

    TNSNAMES.ORA file:
    # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

    racdb =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2)(PORT = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
    (SERVICE_NAME = racdb)

    LISTENER_racdb2 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2)(PORT = 1521))

    LISTENER_racdb1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))

    racdb1_STARTUP =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = racdb1)

    racdb2 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = racdb)
    (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb2)

    racdb1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = racdb)
    (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb1)

    INST1_HTTP =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
    (PRESENTATION = http://HRService)

    racdb2_STARTUP =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = racdb2)

    LISTENERS_racdb =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2)(PORT = 1521))

    Initializiation parameters were:

    Subsequent runnings of DBCA to create additional Real Application Clusters
    databases require no manual intervention for the NET files.
    Simply run DBCA to create the additional databases and your tnsnames.ora
    file as well as your initializiation parameter file will be updated as

  3. PRKS-1011 And CRS-0210 creating an ASM based RAC database using DBCA
    Applies to:

    Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: and later [Release: 10.1 and later ]
    IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
    IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit)
    new install of Oracle 10g RAC.

    dbca is failing with the following errors while creating a RAC database using ASM :
    For node 1:
    PRKS-1011 – Failed to check status of ASM instance “+ASM1” on node “oraclust1”,
    [CRS-0210: Could not find resource ora.oraclust1.ASM1.asm.]

    For node 2:
    PRKS-1011 – Failed to check status of ASM instance “+ASM2” on node “oraclust2”,
    [CRS-0210: Could not find resource ora.oraclust2.ASM2.asm.]

    After turning on dbca tracing ( -DTRACING.ENABLED=true -DTRACING.LEVEL=2)
    the dbca trace shows the following erros when it tries to register the ASM instance with CRS:
    Thread-36] [19:14:48:332] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:71] Calling Runtime.exec() with the command
    [Thread-36] [19:14:48:332] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:73]
    [Thread-36] [19:14:48:332] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:73] ora.oraclust1.ASM1.asm
    [Thread-76] [19:14:48:385] [StreamReader.run:61] In StreamReader.run
    [Thread-36] [19:14:48:386] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:127] runCommand: Waiting for the process
    [Thread-75] [19:14:48:386] [StreamReader.run:61] In StreamReader.run
    [Thread-75] [19:14:52:373] [StreamReader.run:65] OUTPUT>2004-07-30 19:14:52.337: ALERT
    [READMESSAGE:1] Receive message header caa_clsrecv ret 11
    [Thread-75] [19:14:52:376] [StreamReader.run:65] OUTPUT>2004-07-30 19:14:52.375: ALERT
    [REQUEST_REPLY_:1] Error reading response IOException : Didn’t receive header part of message
    [Thread-75] [19:14:52:376] [StreamReader.run:65] OUTPUT>(File: caa_Message.cpp, line: 695)
    [Thread-76] [19:14:52:377] [StreamReader.run:65] ERROR>CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
    [Thread-76] [19:14:52:386] [StreamReader.run:65] ERROR>
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:404] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:129] runCommand: process returns 184
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:405] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:143] RunTimeExec: output>
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:405] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:146] 2004-07-30 19:14:52.337: ALERT
    [READMESSAGE:1] Receive message header caa_clsrecv ret 11
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:405] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:146] 2004-07-30 19:14:52.375: ALERT
    [REQUEST_REPLY_:1] Error reading response IOException : Didn’t receive header part of message
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:405] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:146] (File: caa_Message.cpp, line: 695)
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:406] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:151] RunTimeExec: error>
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:406] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:154] CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the
    CRS daemon.
    [Thread-36] [19:14:52:406] [RuntimeExec.runCommand:154]


    These messages indicate that the CRS daemon crashed while registering the resource.

    The default ulimits on AIX – even for the root user – are set to:
    time(seconds) unlimited
    file(blocks) 2097151
    data(kbytes) 131072
    stack(kbytes) 32768
    memory(kbytes) 32768
    coredump(blocks) 2097151
    nofiles(descriptors) 2000

    These limits (data, stack or memory) appear to be too low (for the CRS daemon to successfully register the ASM instances.
    Please note that the CRS daemon does start with these ulimits but will fail later.

    After setting the ulimits to unlimited on the root account, dbca could successfully register the ASM instances with CRS:
    time(seconds) unlimited
    file(blocks) unlimited
    data(kbytes) unlimited
    stack(kbytes) 2097152
    memory(kbytes) unlimited
    coredump(blocks) 2097151
    nofiles(descriptors) unlimited

    This needs to done on all nodes of the cluster. The CRS daemon needs to be restarted (e.g. via reboot).

    On AIX the default ulimits and ulimits for individual users are set in /etc/security/limits. Add an entry for the root user using the following values* (these values should be set for root and Oracle as per Bug:7330414):

    fsize = -1
    core = 2097151
    cpu = -1
    data = 524288
    rss = 524288
    stack = 524288
    stack_hard = 524288
    nofiles = 2000

    Verify the current settings – after logging out and back in as root – with
    # ulimit -a

    For more information see the AIX man page for ‘ulimit’.




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