理解IMPDP ORA-19505、ORA-31640错误

若在Oracle RAC集群数据库中,则可能Data Pump Worker数据泵工作进程在非发起本Expdp的节点上被分配并工作,除非指定了EXPDP参数CLUSTER=NO。 若启动该Workder进程的节点上相应的data pump目录没有合适的权限,则remote node上的Worker将无法正常工作。 可以利用cluster=no参数来Workaround这个由于RAC引起的ORA-19505错误。

[oracle@lab1 ~]$ oerr ora 19505
19505, 00000, “failed to identify file \”%s\””
// *Cause: call to identify the file returned an error
// *Action: check additional messages, and check if the file exists



Default: YES
Determines whether Data Pump can use Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle
RAC) resources and start workers on other Oracle RAC instances.
Syntax and Description
To force Data Pump Import to use only the instance where the job is started and to
replicate pre-Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) behavior, specify CLUSTER=NO.
To specify a specific, existing service and constrain worker processes to run only on
instances defined for that service, use the SERVICE_NAME parameter with the
CLUSTER=YES parameter.
Use of the CLUSTER parameter may affect performance because there is some
additional overhead in distributing the import job across Oracle RAC instances.



We did expdp on AIX server with mutliple files using filesetsize=10G parameter 
and when we are importing into LInux database we are facing below errors:

ORA-31693: Table data object "DBO_ACTIONAL_PROD"."ACT_SUBN_STATS_H_" failed to load/unload and is 
being skipped due to error:
ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "/u01/app/oracle/export/utl01p/act04.dmp" for read
ORA-19505: failed to identify file "/u01/app/oracle/export/utl01p/act04.dmp"
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3


When you are using a cluster database it is possible for datapump workers to start on 
any of the available nodes unless you specify cluster=N. If the nodes that start the 
workers do not have access to the datapump directory they will be unable to process 
the files. This is proved out when you specify cluster=N to remove the other nodes from the equation.


Use cluster=N to run the import from a single node of the RAC cluster which has file access.




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