12c vs 11g x$messages

ACMS initialization ACMS
ADR PDB Auto Purge Task MMON
ADR Space Management Statistics Flush MMON
ARCH initialization ARC*
ASH Progressive Flusher (KEWA) MMON
ASM Audittrail cleanup MMON
AWR PDB Auto Flush Task MMON
AWR PDB Auto Purge Task MMON
AWR Raw Metrics Capture GEN1
Action-Based process Test GEN0
Archiver disconnect ARCH
Auxilary ipc finish gen0 action GEN0
Auxilary ipc init gen0 action GEN0
Auxilary ipc intr gen0 action GEN0
Auxilary ipc message gen0 action GEN0
Auxilary ipc timedout gen0 action GEN0
BA container GEN0 action GEN0
CLI AutoPartition MMON
CLI Create All Slave Tasks GEN0
CLI Create One Slave Task GEN0
Check for async in-memory job messages CJQ0
Cleanup of unpinned KGL handles MMON
Column-Level Statistics flush MMON
DBRM ADG in-memory state refresh DBRM
DBWO timeout kcbifc DBW0
DBWR write buffers DBW*|BW*
DDE Periodic Dump Scheduler MMON
DMON do critical instance eval and registration DMON
DSKM procures HCA loadavg and computes offloaded write thresh DSKM
DTrace based Kernel IO  Outlier  Processing GEN0
Direct NFSv4 RENEW lease operation GEN0
Execute on-demand tuning task (KESTS) MMON
Free java patching locks LCK0
GEN0 Master Check GEN0
Get java patching locks LCK0
Hang Manager parameters GEN0
ILM check MMON
ILM cleanup MMON
ILM row access flush MMON
ILM segment access flush MMON
IMCO FastStart Defer Write Scheduler IMCO
IMCO Trickle Repopulate IMCO
IMCO action IMCO
IMCO cycle action IMCO
IMCO global dictionary action IMCO
IMCO worker action IMCO
Inactive Account Time Job GEN0
Index usage tracking statistics flush MMON
KEWR SlavePool Test MMON Main MMON
KJBFP PBR logfile scan LMFC
KJBFP PBR writer main LMFC
KJBFP increment PRI LMFC
KJBFP pbr logFile CLose *
KJFM update process heartbeat LCK*|DIA*|LGWR|CKPT|DBRM|IPC0
KQLM interrupt action LCK1
KQLM invalidation instance lock operation LCK1
KSB GEN1 init GEN1
KSGL initialize service IPC0
KSGL mount in IPC0 IPC0
KSGL node exit IPC0
KSGL node join IPC0
KSGL notify IPC0 IPC0
KSGL timeout IPC0
KSIPC Grp Refresh action IPC0
KSIPC MGA Segment Check IPC0
KSIPC finish action IPC0
KSIPC initialize server IPC0
KSIPC interrupt action IPC0
KSIPC msg action IPC0
KSIPC reconfig action IPC0
KSIPC shutdown action IPC0
KSIPC timeout action IPC0
KSM SGA slaves spawn GEN0
KSRMA Recovery Log Allocation IPC0
KSRMA mount IPC0
KSU GUID MAC Address update GEN0
LGWR flush workers LGWR
LGWR initialization LGWR
MMON request to purge LTXID history table MMON
Monitor initialization TMON
Monitor wakeup TMON
Multi procs per DTP UTMU
Network Server forced NSS*
Network Server shutdown NSS*
PDB close abort GEN0
PMON notify IPC0 of process failure IPC0
PQ: Adjust Slave Pool MMON
Payload action to BG RMON
Process new DBs that join ASM locally DIA*
RMON Init Action RMON
RTTD initialization RTTD
Real-Time ADDM Trigger MMON
Redo writer quiesce IMC on standby LGWR
Refresh active service cache MMON
Report Capture Daemon MMON
Report Capture Test (KERPI) MMON
SGA deferred allocated granules Initialization MMAN
SGA deferred allocated granules move MMAN
SQL Memory Management Calculation DBRM
Spawn processes on behalf of someone else GEN0
Standby media recovery info cleanup LGWR
Suspended session cleanup GEN0
Sweep PL/SQL incidents MMON
Switchover/PDB relocate message channel subscribe LGWR
TPZ initialization TPZ*
Test Driver wakeup RTTD
Test Process wakeup TPZ*
Timeout interrupt action RBAL
Triton Session Cleanup MMON
UMF Auto Task Pool Queue Server MMON
UMF Auto Task Pool Scheduler MMON
UTS Async Dump GEN0
Volume Resource Action GEN0
Wait event outlier detection GEN0
XStream timeout action GEN0
acquire enq during pdbopen by HARIM DBW0
action for buddy instance RMS0
action to cleanup buddy instance context RMS0
check for KJCI cross-instance requests *
cleaning up workload information for optimizer MMON
clear the dependent scn DBRM
dblink logon table cleanup MMON
enter / exit graph test specified wait *
event nfy timeout action GEN0
event outlier dump info. GEN0
extend quarantine area GEN0
flushing workload information for optimizer MMON
free PX memory chunks in background PXMN
get/release open thread enqueue DBW*|BW*
init function for LCK1 *
initiate block repair GEN0
kcb DW object cooling GEN0
kcbz background redodump GEN0
kcbz update TSE bh CKPT
kill client GEN0
ksim cache line update LCK0
ksim instance group membership notifier *
kxfp remote slave spawn recv function PXMN
light-weight checks for optimizer statistics advisor MMON
mira CKPT channel CKPT
mount/dismount all db files DBW*|BW*
pdb event stats action GEN0
periodic PDB tasks GEN0
pmon dtp init PMON|CLMN
prespawn clean check GEN0
prespawn init check GEN0
prespawn timeout check GEN0
register to node local process group RBAL
shutdown RMON process RMON
sync PDB DBW0
threshold reloading MMON
unit test DBW0




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