原文链接: http://www.dbaleet.org/second_try_with_exadata_reverse_offloading/
距上一篇关于reverse offloading文章发布已经一个多月了,但是这个功能似乎还有一些值得探究的地方。于是又顺便摸索了一把:
第一个问题是: 在数据库db server一端是否又参数可能控制这个功能?以我对oracle的了解,就像storage index一样,reverse offloading这样的功能一定会在db一端有对应的参数的,并且通常是一个隐含参数,那么这个参数是什么呢?
SQL> set lines 180 pages 999 SQL> col name for a50 SQL> col value for a20 SQL> col describ for a70 SQL> SELECT x.ksppinm NAME, y.ksppstvl VALUE, x.ksppdesc describ FROM SYS.x$ksppi x, SYS.x$ksppcv y WHERE x.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance') AND y.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance') AND x.indx = y.indx AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%&par%' 2 3 4 5 6 7 / Enter value for par: passthru old 6: AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%&par%' new 6: AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%passthru%' NAME VALUE DESCRIB -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _kcfis_cell_passthru_enabled FALSE Do not perform smart IO filtering on the cell _kcfis_cell_passthru_dataonly TRUE Allow dataonly passthru for smart scan _kcfis_cell_passthru_fromcpu_enabled TRUE Enable automatic passthru mode when cell CPU util is too high _kcfis_celloflsrv_passthru_enabled FALSE Enable offload server usage for passthru operations
以上参数是在12.1.0.2的测试环境生成的,在11.2中应该是没有_kcfis_cell_passthru_dataonly和_kcfis_celloflsrv_passthru_enabled 这样的参数的。当然刚好手头没有11.2的Exadata环境,有条件的可以在11gR2的普通database上进行查看。这两个参数应该是12c关于Exadata上一个未公开的新特性叫做offload server(oflsrv), 当然这个特性我目前没有研究透,所以不便妄下断言。
_kcfis_cell_passthru_enabled是一个我们非常熟悉的参数,曾经在troubleshooting exadata wrong result这样的文章中有介绍过,这个参数是用来控制smart io过滤功能的,也就是关系到整个offloading功能的,所以这个参数肯定不是reverse offloading的控制参数。
那么剩下的那个_kcfis_cell_passthru_fromcpu_enabled看起描述都能猜到这才是我们真正想要挖到的金子。其description道:Enable automatic passthru mode when cell CPU util is too high。 这里我就不进行测试了,因为俺可不想不想影响别人的测试工作,毕竟Exadata测试环境有限是很多
这个特性默认是启用的,也就是说默认情况下,如果cell节点的cpu利用率超过了相应的阈值,cell节点就会考虑不适用smart io,而是使用传统的block io。
第二个问题是:是否有历史视图可以查看reverse offloading的历史信息:
[root@dm01cel01 ~]# cellsrvstat | grep -i cpu SQL ids consuming the most CPU END SQL ids consuming the most CPU Total cpu passthru output IO size (KB) 0 0 CPU passthru output size (KB) 0 0 CPU passthru output size (KB) 0 0
额, 这里看名字应该是CPU passthru output size是总的reverse offloading的的总量,但是为什么会有两行一模一样的东西呢?
== Offload server related stats == Offload group name: SYS_112331_131106 Total input IO size (KB) 0 0 Total output size (KB) 0 0 Passthru output size (KB) 0 0 CPU passthru output size (KB) 0 0 OS memory allocated to SGA (KB) 0 6144 SGA heap used - OAL statistics (KB) 0 4472 OS memory allocated to PGA (KB) 0 58705 PGA heap used - OAL statistics (KB) 0 58799 OS memory allocated to group pool (KB) 0 2040 Group pool used (KB) 0 52 Total OS memory (KB) 0 248773 Offload group name: SYS_121110_131107 Total input IO size (KB) 0 7040 Total output size (KB) 0 2332 Passthru output size (KB) 0 0 CPU passthru output size (KB) 0 0 OS memory allocated to SGA (KB) 0 6144 SGA heap used - OAL statistics (KB) 0 5275 OS memory allocated to PGA (KB) 0 18526 PGA heap used - OAL statistics (KB) 0 12628 OS memory allocated to group pool (KB) 0 2040 Group pool used (KB) 0 52 Total OS memory (KB)
进一步细看,发现并非重复记录,而是在新版的Exadata cell image下包含了两个offload group,这显然是之前说的offload server特性的一部分。
[root@dm01cel01 ~]# cellcli CellCLI: Release - Production on Wed Nov 20 08:08:36 MST 2013 Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. Cell Efficiency Ratio: 1,030 CellCLI> alter cell events = "immediate cellsrv.cellsrv_dump('mpp_stats','0')" Dump sequence #3 has been written to /opt/oracle/cell/log/diag/asm/cell/dm01cel01/trace/svtrc_11153_28.trc Cell slcc05cel01 successfully altered
*** 2013-11-14 23:36:33.559 2013-11-14 23:36:33.559674 :00020F2E: FenceMaster: OSS_IOCTL_FENCE_ENTITY is set, number of fencing in progress 0 reid cid=e35e5387a02befeebfc2f925878ed4ef,icin=279937547,nmn=1,lnid=279937547,gid=-2147483637,gin=2,gmn=0,umemid=4,opid=0,opsn=0,lvl=member hdr=0xfece0100 2013-11-20 08:12:59.364785 :000CB112: [MPP] Number of blocks executed in passthru mode because of high CPU utilization: 0 out of 35 total blocks. Percent = 0.000000% 2013-11-20 08:12:59.365066 :000CB113: Dump sequence #4: [MPP] Current cell cpu utilization: 4 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:59 2013 [Cell CPU History] 4 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:59 2013 [Cell CPU History] 4 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:58 2013 [Cell CPU History] 4 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:58 2013 [Cell CPU History] 5 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:58 2013 [Cell CPU History] 5 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:58 2013 [Cell CPU History] 3 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:58 2013 [Cell CPU History] 4 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:57 2013 [Cell CPU History] 3 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:57 2013 [Cell CPU History] 5 [Pushback Rate] 0 [MPP] Wed Nov 20 08:12:57 2013 [Cell CPU History] 4 [Pushback Rate] 0 ...... [MPP] Wed Nov 20 07:42:48 2013 [Cell CPU History] 0 [Pushback Rate] 0
- 被reverse offloading push back到db server的block的数量;
- 当前cell的cpu的利用率;
- 距离现在30分钟的cell cpu利用率以及reverse offloading push back的比例。